Whats the difference between a PC & a MAC

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Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
aryayush said:
Since I have no idea about XCode and the last programming language I ever used was C++ (and have forgotten even that), I won't contradict you on this point.

But over time, I have come across some cross platform developers who have expressed their opinion and have been absolutely in favour of XCode. I recently read a blog entry about a Windows programmer who went to one of Apple's annual WWDC events and was completely shocked by how far ahead Apple's developer tools were compared to Microsoft's and he described the whole experience.
You are new to XCode. Maybe the features you think are lacking are hidden or something and you'll figure things out as you get a hang of the tool.

Again, this is not my area, so I have no intention to contradict you. :)

i certainly would like to read the review , maybe i can discover some "unearthed" features from the post , can u link to that post ?


Aspiring Novelist
Actually, I been trying all sorts of keywords on Google but the article is just not turning up. :(

You wouldn't find any features of XCode in there but I really wanted you to read that guy's experience. If I'd remembered even a single phrase exactly, it would have been a child's play to find the thing, but I read it months ago and had never thought I would ever need it.

I'll keep looking and show it to you if it decides to show up. :)

Update: I guess there is hardly anything on the Internet that I need and cannot find. :D

Here is the blog entry I was talking about:

My day at the NYC Mac OS X Leopard Developer Tech Talk
« H E » Kevin Hoffman :: email

posted Fri 26 Jan 07

First, I need to disclaimer this blog post by saying that I am under an NDA until Leopard releases to the public, so the details of what I saw are not available. However, I can say a few things and reveal some details (details that I have already found on public sites and from slides during the WWDC keynotes, etc).

First, let's get to the token Mac vs. Windows story. I show up there with my Windows Vista laptop (I am a .NET developer, after all...). I'm checking mail and messing around with WPF eating my breakfast when someone (carrying a Macbook Pro) walks up and says, "Cool, is that Vista?". I of course say, "Yes", and was about to say, "and it runs just fine on my laptop!" when Vista crashed!! My cursor froze, and then a few seconds later, it was dumping core and rebooting. This event was followed by a bout of riotous laughter from the other Mac people seated at the circular table. Thankfully it was well before registration so there were only a couple other people around. Thankfully I consider myself an objective third party, so I wasn't embarassed by the Vista crash.

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You gave been GXified
Lolz...no wonder it crashed on his laptop., Running a beta OS with beta version of drivers. What was the state of drivers on Jan 26? Pathetic compared to today.

Arya, here is the thing. XCode makes it easy to develop apps for "Mac". .net is an integrated IDE which caters many languages & paltform, last I heard C# runs on 45 platform.

If you look at the .net part for making app only for Windows, you will come to realize that making an application in .net for Windows is as simple as drag & drop.


El mooooo
gx_saurav said:
Lolz...no wonder it crashed on his laptop., Running a beta OS with beta version of drivers.
Beta OS? Wasn't Windows Vista RTM on November 8, 2006? They RTM beta OS? :?


 Macboy
GX. You can keep your Vista in your left pocket, and your drivers in your right pocket. Vista crashed and it still crashes now and then...

And that's the exact point why the Mac is so crash proof. If apple ships the OS as well as the Hardware, it is bound to be stable. I'm sure if the Mac OS was shipped independent of its hardware it would have faulted here and there, but its not and that's the whole point.
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Proud Mac Pro Owner
win & mac only gx and zeeshan

only mac ... arya and nepcker

only windows ... every1 else
GX only knows about the bad part of OS X. As for me, I've been a Windows user for almost ten years. My Mac experience is only after I bought my iBook. I own a PC too and use it mainly to download stuffs -- I'm downloading some files right now on my PC! And I've been using Linux for three years (Used only Ubuntu).

@Zeeshan Quireshi
XCode has no code completion , gimme code completion n i'll forget all other problems .
Try these links, they are about Code Completion on XCode:
Just visit Apple's site and you'll get all the things you want to know about XCode there!

in case of Adobe , they're advertised prominently as one of the leading corporate users of Qt on TrollTech site n Photoshop runs both on Windows n Mac so they're most probably using Qt .
I don't know about any other Adobe apps except Photoshop (though I'm learning Illustrator), so I'm not sure about others, but Photoshop is indeed written on XCode. (Source)
Check out "Adobe on Mactel: an FAQ": *blogs.adobe.com/jnack/2006/02/adobe_on_mactel.html

Mac is so crash proof.
No, my friend's mac (which runs Mac OS 7) crashes every week due to a shitty piece of software called Internet Explorer
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You gave been GXified
Wasen't this thread about Mac User interface & usability. As far as that is concerned here is the thing. Mac has the philosophy of palleted Windows, open XCOde & there are so many Windows which do not even cycle using alt+tab (like in windows). In .net IDE everything is in one Windows which eases teh developement speed a lot.

GX only knows about the bad part of OS X.

& Nokia makes bread N72 :D

Xcode doesn't even makes it easy to port old code to new Intel architecture. Those adobe software engg. are themselves saying in the post link u posted that XCode is playing catchup & they were working more on .net & Metrowork

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
nepcker said:
@Zeeshan Quireshi
Try these links, they are about Code Completion on XCode:
Just visit Apple's site and you'll get all the things you want to know about XCode there!

well mate i have searched all those links earlier even before u posted them but lemme explain what i mean
Apple said:
Xcode uses information about symbols and their scope within your code to determine the contents of the completion list. When there are syntax errors in the context, Xcode limits its scope analysis to the current code line.
u see XCode ONLY completes the variables thay you have defined , it does not complete the indentifiers n the Standard Libraries of the language u're using(C++,Java) o in XCode if u start typing the name of a standard(ie which is defined by default from manufacturer) java function it won't auto-complete it whereas this is what exactly code completion is most useful in , so that teh developer does not have to remember the usage n syntax of each n every standard function , i hope i got my point forward :)

goobimama said:
And that's the exact point why the Mac is so crash proof. If apple ships the OS as well as the Hardware, it is bound to be stable. I'm sure if the Mac OS was shipped independent of its hardware it would have faulted here and there, but its not and that's the whole point.
that's the whole point of the debate mate , Apple sells the hardware at such extremely high costs it becomes detrimental to the sales of Mac . same way if u buy Vista loaded on a machine from an OEM then they'll hv all drivers in place n u won't hv ny issues or crashes , unless u mess around with the system files .


Aspiring Novelist
nepcker said:
GX only knows about the bad part of OS X.
LOL! :lol: You are learning some funny things from mAV3's posts. If you seriously think that gx_saurav had absolutely any idea (be it bad or good) about Mac OS X (or Macs or even Apple in general), then you need a reality check, mate. :lol:

Zeeshan Quireshi said:
Apple sells the hardware at such extremely high costs
Oh really! Is thirty three thousand a high price for the tiniest computer in the world? Is Rs. two lac a high price for the first octocore computer in the world? I don't think so. Admitted, the prices of Apple's machines are a tad on the higher side when compared to other vendors who use lower quality parts such as HP, but you get what you pay for. And you get Mac OS X, as a bonus. Plus, you get a badge that says "look at me, I'm cool". And that counts. That counts a lot. It counts even to people who deny it.

The only thing that Apple's line-up is lacking is a Mac that is easily upgradable and isn't priced too high. If the iMac was upgradable, Apple would have had a complete and very competitively priced line-up.

And as far as the notebook line-up goes, there is absolutely nothing to complain. They are priced right, have Mac OS X, look sexy, ship with Mac OS X, are very durable (apart from the battery issue which was not Apple's fault at all), Mac OS X is installed by default, have the MagSafe power adapter (a true life-saver if ever there was one), Mac OS X, backlit keyboards, Mac OS X, motion sensors and Mac OS X.

Oh, and I almost forgot, they have Mac OS X installed which itself is worth more than the price of admission. :)

@Zeeshan Quireshi, you seem to be an objective person and therefore, I took the trouble of replying to your post. Please do not start a flame war here! Be civil, like you have been till now. :)


You gave been GXified
Warning - THread hijacked by macboys again as usual.

aryayush said:
LOL! :lol: You are learning some funny things from mAV3's posts. If you seriously think that gx_saurav had absolutely any idea (be it bad or good) about Mac OS X (or Macs or even Apple in general), then you need a reality check, mate. :lol:

Personal attack # 2

Is Rs. two lac a high price for the first octocore computer in the world?

the prices of Apple's machines are a tad on the higher side when compared to other vendors who use lower quality parts such as HP

Yup it is high when Dell, alienware & HP are giving for Rs 1.78 lakh

And I wonder what higher quality parts you are talking about in Mac. Do you have any idea who makes the motherboards of Mac Pro, or better yet who makes the Macbook? The motherboard is made by Asus & Macbook is made by Quanta, same companies which makes Dell laptop & Dell motherboards & so much more. Here, again I wonder, does Apple uses Gold plated connector? or Fiber optics based channels in the motherboard for routing the data? Wow, so high quality product apple has....wonder from which angle.

Oh sorry I forgot you sevearly need some knowledge about how things work in hardware world.

And as far as the notebook line-up goes, there is absolutely nothing to complain. They are priced right, have Mac OS X, look sexy, ship with Mac OS X, are very durable (apart from the battery issue which was not Apple's fault at all), Mac OS X is installed by default, have the MagSafe power adapter (a true life-saver if ever there was one), Mac OS X, backlit keyboards, Mac OS X, motion sensors and Mac OS X.

That macbook Pro costs 80k in manufacturing :p go figure the componet prices from Quanta or Asus :p

Again showing your macboyism which has no proper thing to write here other then well...whine.

@Zeeshan Quireshi, you seem to be an objective person and therefore, I took the trouble of replying to your post. Please do not start a flame war here! Be civil, like you have been till now. :)

Lolz....you have no how better he is compard to u, do u?


 Macboy
Hey talking about Wine (gx mentioned whine), any recommendations from you guys? I want a dry red wine somewhere just below a thousand bucks... pink wine is also acceptable.


Walking, since 2004.
goobimama said:
Hey talking about Wine (gx mentioned whine), any recommendations from you guys? I want a dry red wine somewhere just below a thousand bucks... pink wine is also acceptable.



Aspiring Novelist
goobimama said:
Hey talking about Wine (gx mentioned whine), any recommendations from you guys? I want a dry red wine somewhere just below a thousand bucks... pink wine is also acceptable.
Trust Milind to completely go on a tangent! Spammer! :p


You gave been GXified
Hey, whats the name of that Ceshew drink which is famous for Goa? Freny I guess....don't exectly remember. Milind you saw beerfest (movie) recently kya


 Macboy
B**tard. Just cause I'm a Goan means I'm a drunk? The beer days are over now (yep, we had a beerfest whilst watching beerfest :)). I've moved on to wine's now. I particularly like Madera (la?) pink wine made in Nasik as well as Chateau wines.

As for that Goan drink, Fenny is the refined one, which is a bit harsh, but I prefer to impure "urrack" along with lime juice....once in a while that is.

Aren't we drifting away from the topic? Though its not hurting anyone since **these** threads need an end other than getting locked/users banned...
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