What you Did to your Super L key(window key)

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Sykora said:
@praka : It doesn't work for some keys on some keyboards. But for keys like super, and the other 'normal' keys (non-multimedia), it does work. And it certainly makes the process a lot easier. The only limitation I see is that it can only associate keys to shell commands. That's fine for those of us who live by the console anyway, but for others, maybe not.
believe me,I tried looong back(3/4 yrs back) assigning keys manually.that time it worked.for now,it seems even GNOME keyboard shortcut settings isnt working for super_L! and it seems am not much interested either to tinker with the settings ;)
I too tries terminal much often,but not a programmer :p (i`m weak in math) .For me,as of now i messed the gtk2 lib versions on my debian sid and xbindkey aborts with segmentation fault.even xbindkey seems not a preferred way as you cant gurantee that works.


Evil Genius
Set as Super mod key...to use with global shortcuts and also as a maximise/minimise (Super+X,N) repectively


QwertyManiac said:
You can try KeyTouch first to find out if your keyboard is already configured in it. In case not, go on to binding it.
Well ubuntus does a fine job and maps all of my keys including multimedia keys expect the calculator shortcut key. However for other distro its not the case
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