what it feels like to move at speed of light


Sith Lord
Staff member
few days ago landed up on this youtube video. optical effects of special relativity. its low res, but still content is very well explained.


APOD: 2011 October 18 - Movie: Approaching Light Speed

the link was posted in article in cracked

It turns out that as you approach lightspeed, physics gets sort of wonky. NASA put together a demonstration of what it would look like to travel down the universe's longest street while approaching at lightspeed, and what basically happens is that all the light washes out of your surroundings and converges in front of you until it looks like you're trekking toward a bright dot on the horizon. So, in actuality, traveling in hyperspace would look less like streaking stars and more like how your great-aunt describes her near-death experience.

Read more: 5 Things Movies Always Get Wrong About Space | Cracked.com

was looking around for similar things, then found this game made by MIT, and openrelativity unity engine toolkit for simulation of such scenarios on your own


tried it out. its for real, free, 98 mb and it is great. move toward everything and you see some colours first. move away from anything and it goes dark except for ultraviolet. You can actually see photons from further away coming at you [strike]slower[/strike] later than the nearer ones. So this thing interactively shows what it is to travel at speed of light (catch here is that speed of light is slowed down, you are not speeded up).

link to the game is here A Slower Speed of Light | MIT Game Lab
Just thought I'd mention tachyons here. Those are particles(hypothetical), which travels faster than light. An interesting phenomenon described in its detection is the Doppler shifted lights producing two images departing in opposite directions. Relativistic-speaking, when we are closer to the speed of light with an observant, tachyons *may* appear lower in speeds thus opening up more chances of detection and analysis. Godspeed!


Cool and Calm
Well, a sloppy analogy (what I can think of) could be to imagine you are riding on a single photon (setting apart the duality controversy). And on your world line, pick any two points and find the time it takes to travel the distance, you get nothing. You could say the concept of time itself would mean nothing to you.


Sith Lord
Staff member
yep liked the guy, saw some of his other vids
it mentions the MIT gamelab game, but the actual trip is a white out? noticed some colors shifting but happened too fast obviously
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