What is the National Language of India ?

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Hey here is the aks
Some people get confused about the difference between an official language and a national language. Hindi is certainly the most widely spoken native language in India and one of the official languages. English is the most widely spoken imported language. It is also the most widely understood language in the world.

Personally, I know only a few words in Hindi, but I don't mind trying to use what little I know when I travel and have to deal with people who don't speak English. However, it is when some people try to force Hindi down our throats that it stirs up resentment.

When I visited Mumbai a few months ago, I went to the Parel police headquarters looking for someone. Every single signboard there was written in Hindi or Marathi (I couldn't tell the difference). That really pissed me off.

What if a foreigner came looking for help ? Of course, it would be impossible to have signboards written in every major language in the world, but including an English version would make a big difference to most foreigners, and more importantly, to the millions and millions of Indians who don't speak Hindi.

still every indian( every hindian every tamilian every telugu etc.etc.etc. etc.) are taught hindi for 1-2-3 years in school... i think so as i was with south indians for almost 6-7 months,,, so maximum literate south indian persons can read hindi if they cannot speek...
but tamil telugu language words appears as jalebi to me :) :D plz take this lightly..
and i also learnt many words in tamil and telugu...

the thing i want to say is that many south indians know hindi but then also they show like they don't//////////////:p:D


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Staff member
India has no national language......Speak whatever you like.

India has 22 official languages......


Right off the assembly line
I'm not against North Indians.....I hav many north indian frnds who r understandable and not bossy
who the <censored> r u 2 call N. Indians bossy?
this dpends on the nature of person. not on wether he/she is northie or southie.

any human can be bossy or bad.even if he is N. indian or S. indian.

u seem 2 say that majority of N.I. are bossy & not understanndable. what the <censored>

i m strictly against this North - south debate..
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Right off the assembly line

hindi is nt official language.

to protet the cultral diversity of india,many languags have been called official.

and so tht there is no problm for any1, english is also an official lang. as it is nt from india, nobody has a problem with it


Beyond Smart

hindi is nt official language.

to protet the cultral diversity of india,many languags have been called official.

and so tht there is no problm for any1, english is also an official lang. as it is nt from india, nobody has a problem with it

I know.I was asking it to dreamcatcher who thinks this is a stupid thread and comes up with a stupid statement himself ;)


Rockin g33k
Article 343 of the Indian Constitution recognises Hindi in Devanāgarī script as the official language of central government India. The Constitution also allows for the continuation of use of the English language for official purposes

Sorry, messed it up.


Here Since 2003
The Constitution of India envisages Hindi as the primary official language to be used by the Union Government, with English as the subsidiary official language. However, there are many languages that are accorded official language status at the state level. It envisages a situation where each state has its own official language(s), in addition to the official languages to be used by the Union government.
I think this is what is causing confusion. The UNION Gov recofnises Hindi as the primary official language. Since Union Gov gives it that status its considered to be the national language of India.
The state governments are free to make other languages as its official lanaguage.
There is no such thing as a national language in India. Its just that two languages, Hindi and English, have been chosen for official work.

And this north vs south debate is riddiculous. Its just a vague reminder of the historic India, where the black southies were mostly native Indians, while the white northies were migrants from Europe calling themselves aryans, or the "superior" ones. Due to a cultural clash, there were a lot of North vs South like issues back in times around 1000 BC, but now, Indians have so evenly mixed up that there is little or no distinction between north and south Indians.

Finally, I think this language thing has something to do with the common superiority complex each person feels with his mother tongue, since each has a language thats old and with its own set of praises. Since I am born in an area with a hybrid language, Palakad Tamil, I feel no such complex and I simply chose the language that appeared simplest and most widely usable. I settled on English, though I did use hindi for a good number of my early years.


Broken In
our nation India... doesn't has a national language..
never to forget our lingual diversity...

wat my dadi ma says, "har 4 kos* mein bhasha badle, har 8 kos main paani...":D
we believe in unity in diversity :D

its not south v/s north... ..

n for complete list ... check this link....*india.gov.in/knowindia/national_symbols.php

dont forget we all r typing in English (UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE)...

*kos is an old unit for distance... i think 1 kos = 3 km...xact i dont knw..n rite nwmy dadi ma is sleeping:D;)
^heck ,without which we ,even cant communicate here.still arguing for hindi is bossy and we wont tolerate it.

@sam: I know hindi.but forcing hindi to someone who is comfortable with English is plain BS.

the problem is not with south Indians.it is crystal clear.they accomodate all types of people.those who stay upwards of vindhyas have little idea how it is here :rolleyes:

somebody said we are learning hindi in schools?may I ask you? why the fcuk should this happen?Isnt this what is called enforcing? :x ? do you think violence is not known to south? the tolerance factor here is very high.

even coolie's in rural areas in south india(except andhra ,I think) understands English almost and manage to communicate too ,unlike northern brethren who insist on their hindi.

we dont feel proud of Hindi as our language ,because our language is dravidian and we are all for our mother tongue.enforcement of Hindi and posts that supports Hindi enforcement(as in national language ,unthinkable :x ) makes the problem.these n00b north indians should be send to Kambam town in Tamil Nadu for a taste.I am sure ,they will forget hindi in a matter of hours and will understand the need of English :x


^understanding this point you said solves the whole problems at a shot! :p .

Atleast i try to make ppl understand that there is no need to fight over language!! what good deed have u done recently??:p:p:D

...and be it a colonial LANG or not ,English is ,what allows the world to communicate! :p

Go and try telling that to over a million indians who have'nt evem heard of a language called english!
@sam9s: what make you think that English is not needed to be our national language?isnt it emotions against british?

India is NOT North india, but South ,east and west India too. when we can communicate with everywhere the world and to other south indians in ENGLISH ,what is the need for us to learn a alien language like hindi to speak to you ppl?eh? :rolleyes:
I just quote :
Anti-Hindi Imposition agitation is a term used to describe the opposition of people of Tamil Nadu who voiced against the Indian Government's attempts to impose Hindi as the sole Official language of India during 1960s. [1] The same feeling even continues now. Even though officially, the Indian government has both Hindi and English as official language for communication with the states. The states can choose their official language (as spoken by majority) along with English. Today, many confuse the original 'Anti-Hindi' imposition for official purposes to anti-Hindi language use.[2]
Annadurai's Speech in Indian Parliament

In an address in 1962, former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister C N Annadurai made the following statements opposing Hindi imposition: "It is claimed that Hindi should be common language because it is spoken by the majority. Why should we then claim the tiger as our national animal instead of the rat which is so much more numerous? Or the peacock as our national bird when the crow is ubiquitous?"
Annadurai also said,
"Since every school in India teaches English, why can't it be our link language? Why do Tamils have to study English for communication with the world and Hindi for communications within India? Do we need a big door for the big dog and a small door for the small dog? I say, let the small dog use the big door too!" [3]
Most people in Tamilnadu feel that if Hindi enters their land, their classical language and ancient culture/tradition would be no more, citing cities like Mumbai, Kolkata and Hyderabad where the native language is rendered nearly auxiliary: in any of these cities it is entirely possible to live without knowing the native language, with Hindi serving as lingua franca; in so much that both political and non-political organizations alike have expressed concerns over the future of their native language/culture [4][5][6][7]
read here :
Hindi as much as foreign language to South Indians as is the English is!.first learn this!

Njaan Ippol ee parayunnatu ninakku manasilakunundoda cherukka?{MALAYALAM}
^Now ,tell me the similarity between Hindi and Malayalam? :x got it?

Isnt us in a democratic country?why you northies always think that whole india speaks hindi? when we are not interested ,you CANNOT force the damn thing on us :x
English is welcome in South India as Historically South Indians are more into English due to British.also ,unlike north indians ,South India prospered ,atleast many parts of madras ,Travancore ,Mysore etc under British Rule.
British does more of a benefit here.we are not under them ,but we are ruled by our own kings ,who have treaties with british.

So ,this blind English hating and being a hypocrat of posting and learning in English must be answered.

but we dont.English is only needed.Hindi should not be enforced.I have learned that even if I try to say this here ,north indians 90% of them ,dont understand the reality.come ,down south understand the scenario here.really ppl there north! we dont even know ,most of us what hindi is! sometimes hindi is a term used for denoting a north indian.but not a language! :lol:

dont fight.believe it.democracy means ,majority hindi cannot be forced to the neck of south Indians.infact ,south india itself is big,speakers of whole south indian languages also will be very huge.
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no new thougts are being shared. no new opinions are being expressed. the same things from the other thread are being said here [probably copy-pasting it from there anyway]

you guys are like Neo Sports - showing the same old matches over and over and over again

Suggestion to the mods [jk] : make that Raj Tahckeray thread sticky. so the next time anybody wants to indulge in a little North Vs south slugfest, they will see that the things they want to say have alredy been said by them in that thread



Cyborg Agent
This is going on and on like a war. Hope at least this battle would end without loosers.

Anyway, Pat that was a revelation that India has no National Language. Me too thought that Hindi is the National Language these days. Thank you. I really appreciate you taking the pain on checking out the constitution. Not even those who should for their language (or against Hindi as national language) cared to do that. That includes me.

@others: Please stop this nuisance and flaming. Pat just mentioned that there is no such thing as National Language for India. It is just some thing we had taken for as true and did not verify.
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