Welcome Linux, Bye Windows...

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gary4gar said:
how to use floppy drive in ubuntu ppl.when i click on floppy it says that
Unable to mount the selected volume.

Error: given UDI is not a mountable volume
Was there a usable floppy in the drive when you did that.


gauravnawani said:
Was there a usable floppy in the drive when you did that.
i don't think there is a effect a of a floppy in it because the led light of floppy drive does not glow at all.also it is detected properly by bios.


OSS Enthusiast!
Here is all the info u asked tech_your_future

ln -sifv /usr/bin/gcc-3.3 usr/bin/gcc
create symbolic link '/usr/bin/gcc' to '/usr/bin/gcc-3.3'
ln:creating symbolic link '/usr/bin/gcc' to '/usr/bingcc-3.3': No such file or directory

ls-al /usr/bin/gcc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 2006-07-01 07:08 /usr/bin/gcc -> /usr/bin/gcc-3.3


OSS Enthusiast!
The same old error is there....
Checking whether C Compiler (gcc) works...no
configure:error: installation or configuration problem:C compiler cannot create executables: config:error: ./configure failed for src


OSS Enthusiast!
I m stuck between some dependencies prb...
Downloaded g++
It asked for libstdc++
Downloaded it
It asked for libc6
Downloaded it
It asked for linux kernel headers
Downloaded it

Now i installed linux kernel headers then libc6. Now when I install libstdc++ it asks for g++ and g++ asks for libstdc++
What to do?

I thnk tht Gcc is working fine now...(Tried installing ripperX-2.5)
The Error was not same!
It complained abt Gtk but no error regarding C compiler.

How to install the modem drivers?
When I issue this command
./configure--->bash:It said tht File not found!
make--------->File not found again!

pls post
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18 Till I Die............
Just type this
cd ~/Software/Drivers/slmodem
After typing slmodem don't press enter press tab. It's called bash completion. BASH will complete the line for you.
Then do
If all goes well then
make && make install


OSS Enthusiast!
As u told me I installed make......
Issued the make command and after lots of lines of output gt this error!

/usr/include/linux /irq.h : 70: error : storage size of 'irq_desc' isn't known
sllog.c 409: error: storage size of 'sllog_fops' isnt known
make:****[sllog.o] Error!

HI Everyone,
I m leaving fr my hostel today! So wnt gt any Linux till Diwali.....
As Its my own thread I m posting it.
I would like to thank tech_your_future , Satish S , Vignesh , Kalpik and all other members who helped me.

Will keep in touch,pls do post the sol of the error I mentioned above, It may be of no use but still I want to know abt it!

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Hello folks..

Well as the title says .. Even i want to learn Linux not to shift from Windows..but only for 2 reasons..

1) Its in my Syllabus this Semester.
2) I m bored of Windows. (Specially its Interface).

My Current PC Stat.
PIII 1Ghz , 64 SD RAM (133 Mhz),
40 GB HDD - (C:\ - 1GB - Win 98 , D:\ - 2.3 GB - Win XP , E:\ - ~33 GB - Data)

I'm sure you must be laughing rite now..:p.. but thats what i have rite now.. well am hunting for a 256 MB stick since couple of months... dunno when ill get..so currently am sticking with 64 only..

And it will be totally safe to say that i dont know even ABCD of linux...

Well we have Linux this semester..and we are asked to install it to be familiar with it... well i dunno which Linux i should prefer.. If Red Hat or Fedore Core.. they will scrap my Machine...coz memory is too short... so am in fix..which one to use..

well saw many posts regaring UBUNTU...but i guess ill need Internet connection to compete its registration ( i heard that)..and i don;t have Internet..

btw there are many Slackwares also...but am finding it difficult to choose one...coz..i dunno if basic sets of Linux command are same or not.. and if that slackware will survive on my system...:p

Anyways...even if someone suggests me some slackware..and i wanted to install it... So what do i do..!! i mean i can format my C: and D: anytime...those are not imp..but E: - 33 GB(5 GB empty)..data is precious...so how should i create Partitions and swap space..for linux..:O

and yeah as others said...i'll have to keep Windows too..atleast in the beginning...:)

So pls tell me...what should i do...;)


Satissh S

@dipen: good decision. ;-) slacky is one of the most easiest and simplest distros to use :p trust me in this,
1. Decide to delete one of the windows partitions.

2. Download and burn the slackware iso's

3. Insert the disc while u boot and press enter to root login

4. type 'fdisk /dev/hda' in the prompt.

5. In the fdisk prompt, type p to view the partition listing. Note your 33 gb drive keep it sane.

6. Iam unable to get ur partition structure to help, but i believe its
Windows Terminology                      Linux Terminology                    
c:\ win98 1 GB                                /dev/hda1
d:\ winxp 2.3 GB                             /dev/hda2
e:\ data 33 gb                                 /dev/hda3
if u want install win xp in c:\ and delete the winxp partition ( d:\ ) create one 2 gb partition and one remaining space partition.. or better copy the output of the p command within fdisk in a paper and post it here ;-)

7. create a new partition press {n} within fdisk prompt and the the sno of partition 2 in this case and primary (p) or extended/logical. and press enter to accept initial block size and press +2048M to set the size of the partition in final block size as 2 gb. do the same for the swap partition who sno is 3 where instead of giving 2048 for final block size just press enter.

8. now type t within fdisnk prompt and select partition no 3 and change its type to linux swap/solaris type 82 and press enter.

9. After all is done. type setup to enter slackys setup routine and read the help fully. follow the instructions there. they are quite easy to follow, trust me :) . good luck.


18 Till I Die............
dipen you can try out Vector Linux. It is derived from Slackware. It is optimsed for slower hardware. And I guess it will be easier to install.
Slackware's CLI installer sometimes scares newbies, if you haven't seen CLI installers before, not that it is difficult.
Also, don't forgot to get backups.


@Satish , @Tech :- thanx a lot..

satish u got it right...my 3rd partition is of ~34 GB... well so out of my current C + D = some 2.3 GB..i save 2 as C: for my XP..and there will be some 230 MB only for Linux...so isnt it tool less...

Do i need to resize my current 34 GB partition also or what..???

Btw howz the interface of Slackware..??..

@tech:- buddy i wont find Vector Linux anywhere...:(... What do u ppl think of Mandriva..i ordered it yesterday... well i saw some discussions stressing its best for new switchers..

So what do i do now... i have UBUNTU and one frend can arrange Slackware 10...
but..i heard that UBUNTU will need..Internet for complete registration..

what abt other ones..liek SUse and FC... shuld i try em...?? .


18 Till I Die............
Dipen01 said:
@Satish , @Tech :- thanx a lot..

satish u got it right...my 3rd partition is of ~34 GB... well so out of my current C + D = some 2.3 GB..i save 2 as C: for my XP..and there will be some 230 MB only for Linux...so isnt it tool less...

Do i need to resize my current 34 GB partition also or what..???
You'd need atleast 5GB even if you are hardly gonna store much on linux partition. But, that's bare minimum in case you can't provide more space. You should give atleast 8-10B so as not to run into trouble in future.
You will also require atleast 1 FAT partition so you can share some files like songs, images, etc between linux and windows. You need not create a separate partition of FAT if your windows partition are FAT32.

Dipen01 said:
Btw howz the interface of Slackware..??..
Interface of any linux distro is easily customisable to your liking. Slackware uses KDE as default interface. But, it's installer is CLI and it makes you use a bit more of CLI than most distros. So, if you are averse to CLI, I would recommend you to keep away from Slackware for the time being.

Dipen01 said:
@tech:- buddy i wont find Vector Linux anywhere...:(... What do u ppl think of Mandriva..i ordered it yesterday... well i saw some discussions stressing its best for new switchers..

So what do i do now... i have UBUNTU and one frend can arrange Slackware 10...
Well Mandriva, Suse will be good options.

Dipen01 said:
but..i heard that UBUNTU will need..Internet for complete registration..
Most linux distro requires registeration. Registeration is left for windows and RHEL. Ubuntu requires no such thing ever. The problem is when you get Ubuntu cd. It is very minimal so you will miss a lot of packages. But, if you can manage to get Ubuntu's DVD, IMO it would be better than Suse or Mandriva

Dipen01 said:
what abt other ones..liek SUse and FC... shuld i try em...?? .
I already said about Suse. As to FC. I personally don't like it at all. But, well it is good distro to start with.


@tech:- thanx for step by step reply..

Well heres what i have in my mind...

my D:\ ( ~34 GB) will resize it to some 26 + 8 .... well 26 will be my FAT32.. but what should the remainin 8 be.. coz..that 8 would be for Linux...

Well regaring first two partitions i.e 1 + 2.3...Will keep 1 as swap for Linux...and 2.3 will be my XP as usual..!!!

Any changes/suggestion..on this... damn this 37 GB HDD sucks..i need more.:( ..anyways..cant help it right now..!!

Will try Slack ware from my friend..coz i dont have any other..UBUNTU..well yeah ..i have that also....

THis partioning is a big pain... coz..ill have to resize 34 GB partition so it will take ages..to do that..and after that with FDISk will have to merge and split first two parttions and all...damn any other easy option for partitioning...


In the zone
Recommending slackware to a newbie!!!. R u people out of your minds?. I don't know what linux people mean when they say 'easy to use' because it sure is different from what normal people would think.

Dipen, I advice you to not even think about the slackware. It is for advanced users only. If you start with slackware, I assure you that you will be running back to windows in a week's time....unless you are a computer guru. If Nitish mythology can have so many issues with Ubuntu ( a seemingly easy to use distro) just imagine what you will have to face with slackware.

Anyways, I would recommend Linux newbies to pick from any of the following four distros-

1. Ubuntu
2. Mandriva
3. Fedora core 5
4. Suse

I don't think other distros are relevant for newbies at this point of time. Unless you have some specialized requirements. The above mentioned distros have good support as well. Newbies must go for any of the above four ( if you can't decide, then flip a coin between ubuntu & mandriva, you will be safe).
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