website statistics

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In the zone
Hello guys,
I need to know the visitors to my website from from various countries and which are the pages that are visited often. My site has over 50 pages and I can't put counters on each page. Is there a (php) script that can simplify this task? Is there any non-commercial way to collect these statistics?


use Google Analytics.... :D
But u need to put the code in each page .. :(
U can go for Alexa ranking but is damn inaccurate .. :(


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
I suggest that you convert your 50 page site into a managed site by using some CMS like Wordpress or Joomla. It will be very helpful in the long-run. There are SO MANY free plugins that will do almost anything you want!


In the zone
OK, thanks.

The statistics provided in the control panel is of no use.

I tried looking at Google analytics, but for some reason, their site was probably down. While searching through site, i came across a completely free and wonderful tool called phpmyvisites. I have installed that on my server now. I don't know how good that will turn out to be, it will be a trial for now.

But, the minus point is I had to insert a small javascript code on all my pages and had to upload them all again, something which I did not want to do in the first place.


Commander in Chief
I've not heard such a comment on AWStats before, hmmm. What's missing in their data? You can even run your own scripts on them, they are simple .txt log files.


Right off the assembly line
Google Analytics is the way to go! Sign up and copy and paste the code into each page that you want to track. Wait for at least 3 days for Google to analyze data / traffic and enjoy the statistics. This is especially more useful when you combine it with Google AdWords. You can track conversion goals too!
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