Website and money...

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Abhishek Dwivedi
Hi guys...i own a website... ...its beta at da moments but am planing to upload da full version of it soon...i'd like to know that is there any way by which i can earn money frm this site...

I know about da adsence but i need sumthing which would pay me for the website viewing and not clicking...i'd luv if i could make about 300-400 pm..plz help me guys...i really need help...thx....:)

no replies..... :O....very strange
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Commander in Chief
There's Text-Link-Ads but its slow and your site needs to be popular. Else get direct ads from some webmaster forums or places like that.


u can earn thro selling ad space on your site. hw much can u earn is determined by how much traffic you get and what are your stats? (PR, alexa ranking etc)


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Abhi dude, its still not very clear to me if your website is commercial or for-hobby.

1. You should have YOUR OWN articles, written originally by you and not merely compiled from other sources. If you are going to copy-paste articles or compile them, then you have tremendous competion because most bloggers pliagrize the content.

2. Your website should have a commercial and professional feel. Right now it isn't. Looks childish with those cartoon pics on every page. Remove them.

3. Have a white background. Its adds to the readablility of your pages.

4.The SEO is not good. That will affect your search enegine indexing and link values will decrease.

5. Buy your .com domain name. .com domains are worth atleast 5x more than .in or .net domains.

6. Get a paid webhosting space.

7. If you go for free hosting and then free domain, it would give on the feel that you are 'desperate' to make money but the content on your website won't live up to the expectations.

8. Format the headings and body properly. Right now, it seems that you have just opened a file in Frontpage, typed something into it and uploaded it. Format it to look professional.

9. First get content and traffic. Only then people will be interested in buying ads. Thats is the only reason even I have not sold as space on my website even though I receive a average of 200 hits per day!

10. In the about me page, remove all the fact-o-pedia about you. It makes the site look very very personal.\

11. Instead of CMS, use handmade HTML pages because it is very easy to customize the ad space according to need of the ad publisher. and This will be a VERY BIG PLUS POINT.

Abhi, please forgive me if I have said something rudely ort hurt you somewhere in the process. But I had no other way to give you sincere advice!
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rohan_shenoy said:
Instead of CMS, use handmade HTML pages because it is very easy to customize the ad space according to need of the ad publisher. and This will be a VERY BIG PLUS POINT.
I was considering to have CMS for a new site of mine. Can u pl tell me how this CMS thing works? And why are you recommending handmade html over it.


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
ashfame said:
I was considering to have CMS for a new site of mine. Can u pl tell me how this CMS thing works? And why are you recommending handmade html over it.

With handmade HTML(does not mean you have make each and every page by hand,just have a template and replicate it everytime for a new page), it is possible to have extreme customization for each and every aspect of the page.

This is an important point because advertising companies will always wish to have their banner or link at the most visible place on the page.

BTW, what is the xpected volume of your site(pages)


In the zone
@rohan_shenoy I agree with most of your points, except no. 11, I recommend use CMS, instead of hand made codes.

It is not difficult to modify cms as per your need and you can put ad at any position in cms driven website, if you know how it works.

CMS comes with lots of feature, which is very difficult to implement if you develope site from scratch.


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
ahref said:
@rohan_shenoy I agree with most of your points, except no. 11, I recommend use CMS, instead of hand made codes.

It is not difficult to modify cms as per your need and you can put ad at any position in cms driven website, if you know how it works.

CMS comes with lots of feature, which is very difficult to implement if you develope site from scratch.

Thank you for seconding my views.
And about that point 11, you are correct.
I am not an advanced user so its very true that I haven't discovered potenstial of CMS. I find HTML more simpler and prefer it over CMS, atleast for now!
But one thing for sure, I am gonna try those CMS things for sure one day!


In the zone
for personal site you may check every thing (domain (sub-domain in this case) & hosting, templates, support etc) that you will get is free. You will be working on a professionnal site in a matter of minutes. Whats importatnt is the CONTENT.
Abhishek Dwivedi

Abhishek Dwivedi
hey thx a lot da moment am working on a BLACK BACKGROUND website with a little continuous art at 2 of its corner. And i totally agree with all ur points...i've already decreased da personal feel frm ma site and have made it more pro kinda...i'll soon upload it and send u da link...lets c if u guys like it...i just want ma website to suck out 400-500 per mnth so dat i can pay off ma internet bills..:)...thx guys...

being a student at da moment i can't afford .com soon gona buy .in domain and test if ma site go fine or not..if it goes i'll buy da hosting and .com domain...
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In the zone
hmm I suppose you want to earn 400-500[Is it rupees or dollars] If it is rupees?well its fairly easy but if dollars,then I think it poses a problem.I dont think you can earn as high with adsense.Affiliate sales fetch you better.I am presently working on a site which if successful[Very High chance it will] will do that 400-500 $ a month.

And about this CMS to HTML.I have used CMS for quite a while but the ease of use of a HTML based site is unquestionable.The amount of SEO that can be done on a site driven by HTML is more[onpage ofcourse].And yeah you dont have to design from can always use templates and replicate them for each page.

I prefer CMS.
Regarding on your website..get pagerank 5-6.Than some1 may wish to put ads on your site.

I use Drupal CMS, and recently my site got pagerank 4 :)
So, prefer any CMS, it is very easy.
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