Want to be a linux pro - Making the shift

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Cool G5

Conversation Architect
I am a windows user, but I hate it. The moment I encountered linux, I was attracted to it. Don't know how but yesterday a thought came to my mind. I removed Windows XP from my hard disk & installed Fedora 9 on it. Now I am planning to permanently shift to linux and ditch windows forever. I want to do everything in linux from now on which I use to do in XP till date. I am leaving gaming too.

As you rightly guessed, I am a linux n00b. That's why I opened this thread & will be asking my queries here. I hope you will guide me in my journey.

Here is my first question :

1) The first essential thing I require is Internet. I searched a bit & configured my Nokia 5700 as a modem in Fedora 9. I used the wvdial method. Now whenever I issue the wvdial command it shows as connected, but I am unable to browse using firefox or use pidgin. I checked the wvdial.conf several times, still the problem continues.
How can this be solved?

I will be posting here from my phone as it is the only lone internet source I have.

The reason behind all this is, I want to learn linux in depth. I am ready to do any hardships for the same. If I succeed in becoming a linux pro someday, all credits to you people. :)

Waiting for your response.


God of Mistakes...
When u connect using wvdial n phone, Firefox works in Offline mode (don't know why!).

Go to File menu n uncheck work offline. Now u can browse net..

for pidgin, same thing...

Just disable ur accounts n enable them again.. You will login...

I've used GPRS on Linux more than a year, so I know these issues ;)
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Cool G5

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
When u connect using wvdial n phone, Firefox works in Offline mode (don't know why!).

Go to File menu n uncheck work offline. Now u can browse net..

for pidgin, same thing...

Just disable ur accounts n enable them again.. You will login...

I've used GPRS on Linux more than a year, so I know these issues ;)

Already I did that, but no success. I even tried Konquerer, but again the same.


nice to see gaurav that ur shiftin to linux
me too has the same query had the similar problem with mint


God of Mistakes...
Please refer the thread Internet Connection in Linux via Mobile if you are not referring to... Nice thread...


18 Till I Die............
Post the output of
route -n
cat /etc/resolv.conf
ping example.com
dig example.conf
Cool G5

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
Hmm.. After searching I did the same thing, just edited the /etc/resolv.conf & inputed the DNS.

Now the net is working. :)

2) Is there anyway I can see the contents of my phone(Nokia 5700) without removing the memory card? I mean any softy in linux like PC suite?


Commander in Chief
You can mount it via OBEX tools - obexfs (Not all phones would work with this method):

*This method requires the use of Bluetooth*

First, scan your phone and look for the FTP channel:

$ sdptool search FTP
Inquiring ...
Searching for FTP on [B]03:12:62:FD:54:56[/B] ... [B]# This is your Phone's MAC ID[/B]
Service Name: OBEX File Transfer
Service RecHandle: 0x1002c
Service Class ID List:
  "OBEX File Transfer" (0x1106)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    [B]Channel: 10[/B] [B]# This is the FTP channel[/B]
  "OBEX" (0x0008)
Language Base Attr List:
  code_ISO639: 0x454e
  encoding:    0x6a
  base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
  "OBEX File Transfer" (0x1106)
    Version: 0x0100

Having got the two values (In Bold above - MAC ID - 03:12:62:FD:54:56 and Channel - 10 in this case), lets proceed to mount it (FUSE):

$ mkdir Phone
$ obexfs -b[B]03:12:62:FD:54:56[/B] -B[B]10[/B] Phone/

That's it, your phone should be mounted now. Browse to the created Phone directory and you should be able to see your files :)

To unmount:
$ fusermount -u Phone/

(If you got kbluetooth or bluetooth-applet running, or have already paired your phone, it'd be easier)


Resistance is Futile.
@Qwerty Fedora 9 comes with GVFS right, cant he type
in Nautilus address bar, as in KDE ?

Like you said, Bluez + Kbluetoothd really simplifies the entire process


On opensuse, nokia 6233+memory card can be explored without any other software using bluetooth. Other phones must also work.
Cool G5

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
I now want to remove KDE from Fedora 9 as I don't use it.

Tell me how to remove it.

And also when I remove KDE are KDE apps uninstalled too? :confused:
Cool G5

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
I tried,

yum remove KDE

But it failed to remove.
It said "No packages selected"


Resistance is Futile.
yum grouplist 
yum groupremove 'KDE (K Desktop Environment)'

from: *linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Fedora/2004-11/6914.html


I am a windows user, but I hate it. The moment I encountered linux, I was attracted to it. Don't know how but yesterday a thought came to my mind. I removed Windows XP from my hard disk & installed Fedora 9 on it. Now I am planning to permanently shift to linux and ditch windows forever......

You moved too fast, not a very good idea, removing windows at the outset.
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