i agree completely, even when buying a 999 bucks game we dont even get a printend manual all the time. Theres more, a 1299 buck collectors pack didnt even hav CD cases for all its CDs !!!!
its quite disappointing ...... look we do not wnt action figures or expensive fancy items with our game (i remember even Complan gave out action figures ith its 100 buck pack....),
but atleast give us the much handy printed manual, proper cd cases and some enthusiastic items like posters, pads, pens etc.
abt the disc quality is, less said is better .
..... 2 of my discs developed crack @ the centre just caz i left them in CD drive for 2 days and played the games all the time. so, i made a copy of them immediately. to think those INR 10 CD / DVDs are infinite times durable than the original game discs (none of them had never developed any scrtch or died caz of usage). and lastly the disc cases for 199 rupee games are simple craps.
i think the distributor thinking they r actually doing business in america.