Vaio CW Series Laptop-Fan malfunctioning


Broken In
I have a Vaio CW Series laptop (Model No.- VPCCW16FG).
Few days back there was some unusual noise from my laptop.Suspecting it might be the FAN and that it might lead to my laptop's temperature shooting up ,I checked this up with the Speed Fan Software.
Does it mean that my FAN 2 isn't working? And what is this Fan2 exactly as in what is it cooling?
I bought my laptop in Dec 2009 and it is not covered under any warranty,
Do I need to get it serviced ? (I keep hearing those noise once in a while,but otherwise my laptop is working fine)


Broken In

The Hardware Monitor does not provide any info about my fans.Any software that would let me know about my laptops fans?


Retired Forum Mod
^^ is this under load. laptop is heating up but not to critical level. if you feel its the fan or a blade of the fan has broken off. better get it serviced. continue to use it like this and soon you'll face random shutdowns.
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