Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Just closed UT, was playing since 4:30 PM !!
Today i saw lot of DFs
including Gangsta, Bullet, Klaw, Hitman, Krazzy, Goldenfragger, Gillian n sm others also i forgot name !!
Since 4:30 playing Bomb mode.... Uptown,Abbey,Swim n in Riyadh !! Now game must be going in Kingdom with Low Gravity !!

Had lot fun today !!

OMG still stuck on 30th Rank !

Needed 40 kills to reach 29th Rank on Hells !!!


Slideshow Bob
What.? Where.? When.? Whom.?
I am clueless here.!:confused:

Here's the whole story:

Who is [DF]Gillian??

He asked me if he can join DF...and I let him joined...he play well...

Is he on the forum?

i dont think so.. :-?

That's what I thought as well!! If this is indeed the case, then the entire meaning of the [DF] tag is lost. :mad:

^^ ya u r r8

DAmmit, Yes... :mad::mad:

We came across a player named [DF]Gillian, whom none of us recognized. That's where it all started.
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