Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


The cake is a lie!!!
I r free after 9.00-9.30pm today.

And please, host with only maps like Abbey, Turnpike, Casa or Uptown .
No riyadh.

@FilledVoid : No fun without the l337 sk33t baby :D


The cake is a lie!!!
join hullap's server.

It Was fun but it would have been better if the server had a faster connection.
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die blizzard die! D3?
who is your daddy?

amitava was trying his hands at sniping with hk,he phailed,as always.

spartan was clueless,as always.

baby was trying hard to get away from the crowd and camp some cosy little place,as always.

I,was seeing my dead body walking while the nooblet hullap was shooting lr rounds,not as always.

still managed 41:19 and hit some amazing headshots,ekdum matrix style you know,turn around jump and HS in the middle of the air,hahaha.This is how I roll baby!.


baby was trying hard to get away from the crowd and camp some cosy little place,as always
Whatever.... I had like 400 pings and barely could move.

I was hosted lol no one said anything On IRC so server was up idle .


There once was an IP here. Now theres not!
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