Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


I didnt check the software provided to open ports.
Apparently its worthless as you have to buy it.
Krazzy try looking for serial on youserials.com

I opened the ports manually.


Right off the assembly line

well I've been playing UrT for a couple of months now, and I've seen noobs with fake clan names that are awesome, and they don't disrupt the reals clan's reputation at all. If fact, there are some noobs out there that are actually good, just lack the ability to keep their mouths shut and stop bragging and the things a typical noob would do. There's nothing wrong with having a clan name included in your id even if you really don't belong to them. You guys are being noobs yourselves.



Chosen of the Omnissiah
Re: Names

well I've been playing UrT for a couple of months now, and I've seen noobs with fake clan names that are awesome, and they don't disrupt the reals clan's reputation at all. If fact, there are some noobs out there that are actually good, just lack the ability to keep their mouths shut and stop bragging and the things a tyupical noob would do. There's nothing wrong with having a clan name included in your id even if you really don't belong to them.
Completely agreeing with you. :) But after going through your below mentioned statement, I feel you are also one of those *noobs*. :???:

You guys are being noobs yourselves.
Will you go through your post again? err? Who are you to actually comment on the people who post over here? Well, when you don't know about some of the people who genuinely *play* over here, you should refrain from posting generalised comments.

Willy Willy Wonka Wonka....:p


^^ How to open UDP ports manually??? Reply in details

Its quite simple.

  • Open Start Menu and click on run.
  • In run box type cmd and click open.
  • Type ipcongif in command prompt
  • Note your defualt gateway
  • Open Internet Explorer
  • In address Tab type your defualt gateway, and Press Enter
  • Click on Advanced Setup.
  • Click on NAT
  • Click on Virtual Server.
  • Add your defualt IP like 192.168 something in IP Tab
  • Add port no. as 27960 in both port options
  • Enter Name As Quake 3
  • Click ADD
  • And you're done :-D
For more details go here.
Select your router, Quake 3 as program and follow instructions.

The page on portforward.com for my router
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