y is the thread so cool today??
/connect dont know why u cant connect!
Kl@w plz host! PLZZ
1. Right click ioUrbanTerror.exe and click on create shortcut.
2. Right Click on the new shortcut and click on Properties
3. In the target TAB add these lines after ioUrbanTerror.exe
Code:[B]E:\UrbanTerror\ioUrbanTerror.exe +set fs_game q3ut4 +set dedicated 0 +set net_port 27960 +set com_hunkmegs X +exec server.cfg [/B] [B]X = No. of Max Game clients x 2.5[/B] [B]Change dedicated 0 to 2 if you want a dedicated server[/B]
Always use this shortcut while hosting a server, otherwise use your normal shortcut.