Imma lag
Bhai, it happens sometimes but nt very much. BSNL guy's attitute over this is, "Bhai Sahab Chal to raha hai na, jab na chaley to bolna". When I had to get this BB connexn, I did jointless wiring in the whole house myself. One day I went to college and when I came back, the broadband guy had torn off my wiring and re-did the whole thing now with a couple of joints in it. Moreover had a storm here tonight so might be facing issues in the future. Any how server is back up online. U gotta have to look at my persistence though for trying to provide u guys with a nearly 24x7 gaming server. As for power issues, I received my 3rd UPS replacement last week so can't say much about it. As long as the Government is giving it, my server is up. In case of power cut have to shutdown the system coz the UPS does gives more than 1Hour of backup but that is just for first month, after that it dwindled down to 10-20 mins so had earlier 2 units replaced one after the other. The UPS is APC Smart SUA1000I, I KVA Pure Sine wave UPS. Other problem is that during night time in India, supply voltage is throttled from 240V to 220V, whilst the UPS operates at 230V. With a dec. of just 10V only, it shifts on the batteries even though the power is available so have to shut down the system in such a case too. As a solution to the power problems I can and will shift the server to my laptop, as soon as I get it. For the connection related issue, it really is outta my hands.@plasma_snake
Check your line. Your ADSL signal goes down too often, I believe?
Medic_hog.@gagan i was about to tell it, it would be great to play in roles. It improves our strategy and skill.
if you can take me in, I'm medic
^^ Go to Nehru Place.
Hey Krazzy err Just had to go Emergencily Well i was asking u Wanna 1 on 1 ??
Whats ur reply ?? gg it was bad ending for me !! I want Revenge Haha ! 2moro maybe !!!
I'm thinking of starting to play the game technically & strategically as a team. Till now we more or less played like wanderers, but now we'll officially play as team with roles in our hands. Is this a good idea? We'll play as if it is a clan war. Individual skills don't matter in the team game but individual specialties do matter.
Oh medic_hog is the one of the best medic.
Dude listen to what u r saying 800KVA, that's 8,00,000VA i.e. 8 lac VA,* that is not even practically possible. Ur must be a 800VA one. It providing a such a good backup time is a good thing but my load is more than yours, my PSU has Active PFC and moreover the UPS I have is not made for to be used as a backup power system, it is meant to be used for graceful shutdown of a system. I realized this only by talking to Schneider guys in the U.S As for it shifting to battery during night time, problem can be solved by using a stabilizer in the intermediary connection but there are space constraints in my house, price constraints comes second.@Plasma. I have Luminous UPS 800KVA and its gives a backup of 5-6 hours and its 2 years old. So next time you should look for a Indian Brand so that it works in Indian Conditions.
LR300 is the Best Weapon (Plz read on)
For those who think that LR-300 is not a good weapon as lr300 bullet is fastest,but the bullet of lr300 spread max to them (crosshair get bigger).
I can prove that lr300 bullet spread least(equal to g36)..Even in Automic Mode lr300 bullet spread least..
After practsing for around 1 hours (by hitting lr300 bullet on wall and understanding the pattern), I can make all bullet of lr300 to get on same place resulting in 100% percent accuracy.
If u don't believe then come on a server and i can show u there..(Gagan u showed my once regarding the accuracy of lr300 and g36, come on the server and i will show u that both gun have equal accuracy).
I can hit u anywhere(even at head) with bigger crosshair of lr300...
This is the reason why from 2-3 days i m playing very good..Toofan and hustler even commented that I am playing very good. Toofan during gameplay says me lots of time "Krazzy, u r killing me" and this post of Hustler points the same thing.
Bumpy Server Up..come On The Server And Get Pwned By Me..
Posted again:
Anyone saw my this post..^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+1SuicideKnifer|o0 reporting @ DF Clan Arena