Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Gagan r u the same who was in no 8 this time with [9.11] tag. I saw few bullet500 there. which one is you.


Ambassador of Buzz
I play nowadays more on BLR than Hells.. dunno why.. maybe because map changes after frag limit is reached.. One doesnt gets bored..
And i dont have to play that Abbey all day.. lol :D


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Gagan r u the same who was in no 8 this time with [9.11] tag. I saw few bullet500 there. which one is you.
Yes, I am him (all) but I don't use that name anymore. I had been the 3rd ranker until I stopped using it. Thats why my rank is dropping and now I am 8th.
Today i got messed up with guru and he was also ****ed up. i kicked him and he tried to kick me but could'nt ... lol and the thrown away ppl are making an anti-woo clan


Yesterday Guru was drunk and he kicked all woos who were playing that time out of the clan. And then Noob decided to make a new clan named Vll or something like that. He offered all to join that clan.
hari (Pikachu) kicked that man(Guru_pee ke tika) :D:D. LOL


a.k.a VipER
Omg i downloaded it last night and i was playing up all night. What a game this is, i loved it. The interface is good and even the pings were better. Had a great time last night.

Btw, is there any clan or a team or something which i can join in? (n00b here cos just started :D )


Ambassador of Buzz
Omg i downloaded it last night and i was playing up all night. What a game this is, i loved it. The interface is good and even the pings were better. Had a great time last night.

Btw, is there any clan or a team or something which i can join in? (n00b here cos just started :D )

Yeah.. Its addicted as hell!! :D Also if you play good, a clan will invite you automatically.. ;)

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Omg i downloaded it last night and i was playing up all night. What a game this is, i loved it. The interface is good and even the pings were better. Had a great time last night.

Btw, is there any clan or a team or something which i can join in? (n00b here cos just started :D )
What's yer name?


VipER is my in game name.

Viper you ask senior members here and if they allow you can use [df] tag in front. They are quite reputed at HellsHeaven.

Try to join us at RSA Hellheaven. You will find me most of the time there between 10am to 5 pm.(My office time:D:D:D:D)
But i have to play without sound there. and on 15 inch screen.


a.k.a VipER
Viper you ask senior members here and if they allow you can use [df] tag in front. They are quite reputed at HellsHeaven.

Try to join us at RSA Hellheaven. You will find me most of the time there between 10am to 5 pm.(My office time:D:D:D:D)
But i have to play without sound there. and on 15 inch screen.
Sorry for my ignorance but I don't know how to join in RSA Hellheaven. And who are these senior members?

Enlighten me please. ;)


Ambassador of Buzz
Sorry for my ignorance but I don't know how to join in RSA Hellheaven. And who are these senior members?

Enlighten me please. ;)

To play at RSA Hellheaven.co.za, open console by Pressing ~ and type \connect in it.. or you can find it in the master list... ;)


Chosen of the Omnissiah
i guess Bullet is having a real pissed of time in RSA now. everyone is mad at him.
When I ask people to stop the fu(kin nade jump in Kingdom map as it literally spoils the game for the blue team in Kingdom, and I give a warning and then when I kick those who don't abide by, people shout at me.

When n00bs misuse the fu(kin /callvote command through the console for n00bish activities like map "Hi-<name>", kick "idiot-mofos" etc. and I warn them, and they still don't abide by, people shout at me.

Then some idiots accuse me of hacking and I angrily say, "Yes, whatever you think, I don't care." people still shout at me. :| :mad: Not to forget, I've never cancelled 'kick' votes against myself. :|

Directing the correct way is called 'dictating'. :| I can't take care of hundreds of kiddish n00bs on the server. Enjoy the game, I'm out of the server now. :|
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