@op: can you clear one thing, if we don't suggest you a monitor right now, then will you upgrading it later? Because if you already plan to upgrade it soon, then like cilus said, a better processor can be included.
Is a10 5800k with gtx660ti/HD7770 better than i3 3220 with gtx660ti/HD7770? And don't consider just the requirement for 4 cores in games, there are many more tasks.Then get a Quad Core CPU.
Is a10 5800k with gtx660ti/HD7770 better than i3 3220 with gtx660ti/HD7770? And don't consider just the requirement for 4 cores in games, there are many more tasks.Then get a Quad Core CPU.
I5 3470
Gigabyte GAB75M
GSKILL RipJAWSx 2x4 GB Alternative: Corsair value 4gb x2 @ 2.6
WD Blue 1 TB
Sapphire HD 7850 2 GB
Corsair CX430 V2
NZXT Gamma
Total ~41k .
If you Plan on OCing in the Future , just Replace Processor and Mobo
FX 8350 - 11k
ASUS M5A97 EVO - 6.7k
Rest all same components But remember to buy a new PSU when you OC.
a monitor under 7000....??
@myth ru saying tht i dont need buy a new monitor and by just upgrading with ur config ill be able to play games and can u send another config under 38k with my present monitor???
@saintarajan can u mention the components names before each product like if its a motherboard then wirte motherboard and then mention brand and the product.Plz can u do this much.....?
is this cabinet any gud as at present i hv this one Intex Cabinet Corel W USB...?
@saintarajan can u mention the components names before each product like if its a motherboard then wirte motherboard and then mention brand and the product.Plz can u do this much.....?
is this cabinet any gud as at present i hv this one Intex Cabinet Corel W USB...?