Unethical Pratices by Service provider(Vodafone)

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Coming back to life ..
Did I forget to mention that I do that every month too ...?

And btw ... Just out of the blue I am getting missed call alerts these days ... So it seems I wont have to deactivate this service next month ..

Btw .. Anyone else getting that "Free upgrade to SMS with colors, emoticons stuff" ..? Just drop in an sms "NO PROMO" to 121 .


Coming back to life ..
Yupp .. So everyone getting it ..?? Anyway I downloaded it.. Its just okay .. And btw .. The link wont open if you use MO as your Access Point .. Set Airtel Live as your access point and then the link to download the application will open.

[EDIT] Here are some screenshots : *sms2.com/in/


Google Bot
Use it. It's free. BTW if you dont use Sms2.0, Airtel people will keep bugging you by sending the Sms2.0 service message twice a day.


Once I also face the problem with Caller Tune Suffel Card, it deduct charge of sms but not activate Caller Tune, after calling many time to cc, they not refund my money, so I decided to mail their Nodal Officer and Head of my Zone (Barielly Zone UP West). After my mail, within 30 minutes, they activate my Caller Tune and refund all money including Suffer Card (Total Rs 70) Here the mail I was send them ==>
Vodafone Care Unit, I have some massage to you, regarding your poor service on Vodafone Customer Care service.
My name is Manoj & mobile no is 9719....... is a prepaid form Vodafone UP West Bareilly zone & Moradabad area.
On dated 30-jan-2008 I purchase a Caller Tune Suffel Card from your Vodafone TeleShop near pili kothi avas vikas, civil lines, Moradabad.
Serial no is: 23030712030027, & Scratch Code: 1860730383
When I msg this code along with song code to 123 in given format I got a error msg from 123 " the scratch code your have entered is incorrect, plz check and send again". After this I try again but problem persist. Now I decided to contact to your so called service "Vodafone Customer Care on 111" & talk with your Vodafone Customer Care executive Mr. Hursh I inform him about the problem & he suggest me to contact your Vodafone Store, when I met your VAS executive Mr Ashish at Vodafone Stor, he suggest me to deactivate current Caller Tune than reactivate Caller Tune after 24 hrs. I do right that but after 24 hrs when I again send code I again receive previous msg. Than again I contact Vodafone Customer Care but no proper answer given, & after contacting them again & again & talking with different Vodafone Customer Care executive like Mr. Manish, Amit, Manoj, Gaurav...., all they give me different reason for this problem & suggest different solution. Someone said that their is server problem plz wait 24 hrs; One says that your complaint is registered & forward to Senior; Another suggest to contact Vodafone Shop; Your card is expire......., & so on. Also talking with senior like Mr. Anvar, Mr. Khan, Mr. Rajive Singh, but all they guy totally misguide me. One give me complaint no 534888162 on dated 8-june2007, but another tell that their no complaint registered from your side. One day I receive a call from your Delhi office (the no is: +91-9899805996) they ask me about problem & commit me to call back after 5 min. But no call is back.

After sending near about 15 SMS & calling many time to Vodafone Customer Care I totally hopeless form Vodafone Company and their services, & decided to disconnect my no and suggest to my friend to do like this.
In last I sending You this mail to inform you the real condition of your Vodafone Customer Care service.
Plz reply me & take a right action asap.
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