Ubuntu-My new primary OS

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Wire muncher!
One word of advice, if you wanna go on a distro hopping spree try them out in Virtual Machine.

@ Sunny
You've got a powerful system, install VMWare Server and try out distros under it. The latest version also supports compositing (meaning Compiz is supported).
One word of advice, if you wanna go on a distro hopping spree try them out in Virtual Machine.

@ Sunny
You've got a powerful system, install VMWare Server and try out distros under it. The latest version also supports compositing (meaning Compiz is supported).
Im not using Linux just to try it.I want a full-fledged OS:)
Ill try mepis now and use it till Hardy is out:D
How is sabayon??is it debian based?


Wire muncher!
No sabayon is not debian based, memphis is.

What I meant was when you wanna try a different distro then you must first test it out in virtualisation. Its not a wise thing to hop distros on your main system.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
ok guys tell me.. i have vista installed on c:

i have ubuntu gutsy ... which came with digit few months back... can anyone help me on getting me dual boot with vista..???

please4 .. and i dont want to mess with vista ...



18 Till I Die............
Don't worry, just make sure you don't overwrite a non-empty partition. Else everything will be taken care of by itself, I believe.


Think Zen.
Just go ahead and install Ubuntu.
Ubuntu will install GRUB , which will let you choose between Vista and Ubuntu on startup.
Btw, Install Ubuntu only if you have a net connxn at home.
Ubuntu needs to install codecs from the net to play songs/movies.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
ok .. now i will boot with digit ubuntu bootable disk... can i install it in d : and will it automnaticaaly create a dual boot.. say asking which one to boot??

should d: be a empty partition???

coz i have files there and its in GB`s ... i cant move them to anyother partition...

wht should i do???

i have a airtel BB.... so net is not a problem...


Think Zen.
You need free space. Atleast 4 gigs IMO.
Read this guide, comes with screenshots for easy understanding.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
i have 47 GB free... on 100GB d:

woow i think i may not be that expert in that partining part of installation.. can anyone guide me???

i simply want to put it in d: which has files ...guide me???
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Think Zen.
No need to worry.As you can see in this screenshot,
Ubuntu gives you an option to resize the parititon with max free space and use it.Its all auto-magical. :p


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
wont it resize my c:???

please explain wht that option does????
can i specify d: ??/

or will it create a new partition??


Think Zen.
It'll most probably resize the partition with max free space AFAIK.
If you want , you could always go manual.
Try using Partition Magic in windows , if you're uncomfortable with GParted that comes with ubuntu.

If you're indeed going manual, You need to create two partitions.
One for installing Ubuntu , say 10-15 gigs, in Linux format like ext2/ext3.
Other in linux swap format, for virtual memory usage, this should be near 1.5 times your RAM.

And yeah , regardless of what drive it uses to resize, it creates a new partition. Linux wont install on NTFS/FAT32.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
so wht should i do???

i have no idea...should i o manual or the guided part... in that should it be first or the second option ???


Think Zen.
Ok, Here what i would suggest.
Boot up through Ubuntu live cd/dvd.
Go till the partitioning part, See what it lists as the first option,
i.e what drive it wants to resize.

Note that, in Linux drives arent known as C,D,E...
Instead, it follows a convention.
It would be sda1,sda2.. for sata harddisks and hda1,hda2.. for ide ones.
Mostly your c would be primary partition and D,E... would be secondary,
in which case, D would be hda5.
To know which partitions are primary and which are secondary , Try
My Computer>Right-Click>Manage>Disk management.

Now if it lists hda5(which we're assuming is D), then you'll know you can let ubuntu resize and continue with the first option,
if it says smthing else, go manual partitioning.
And if you have a copy of Partition Magic, i'd advice you to do the partitioning in windows itself.

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
@Naveen : Better u install it in Virtual Machine so that u dont mess up
My Blog has an article on installing Ubuntu 7.10 in VMWare Workstation 6


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
i dont have a partition manager...and i dont want to partition ....

ok just telll which option i shouldnt select in case i dont want to erase my vista ???? or anyotherfiles present right now in my hard disk ???

thnks conqueror.... but wont it be slow??

but i want to use ubuntu with full installation...

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
No it wont be slow if u allocate disk space its works like a charm and it works in full screen too an u can enjoy running 2 or more than 2 OS running at one time :)


Think Zen.
^Yes, using in a VM will be slow.

Selecting the first option , during partitioning , will make sure , that only free space is resized and everything else is preserved.

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
@Rayraven : FYI I had installed ubuntu 7.10 as well as fedora 8 in VMware and it IS FAST not slow as u think.
If u allocate disk space when u r creating ur VM it will be very fast also which VM software did u use
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