Trying & Learning Ubuntu. My Query Thread

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Who stole my Alpaca!
Here's another problem. I've installed gdesklets. However when I run it from Applications->Accessories->gdesklets it opens up a blank window which is then greyed & is closed automatically after few seconds!

I ran into the same problem and wrote the fixes I used here

Although I have written the solution for a 64 bit machine it works for 32 bit installls as confirmed from #Ubuntu on IRC. let me know if it works.


Wire muncher!
I meant any IM application for yahoo which has Voice Call or chat feature.
For voice chat etc. you can either use Koepte or Gyache. Koepte is availb in repos (synaptic) while for gyache/i downlaod, .deb files from download section here and double click to install: *

Secondly I want to resume my downloads in ubuntu which I was downloading in Windows. Will i work in Azureus?
Mostly all torrent clients support this. You can use Transmission, Deluge (both available in synaptic) or even uTorrent via WINE.

I use 1024*768 @ 85Hz in Vista or XP. I have NVIDIA 6150 Onboard Graphics.
I dunno about CRT but on my laptop LCD these settings look best:
96dpi, subpixel LCD, slight hinting under font settings. This is one of the darker areas of Linux where realtime detection and optimization doesn't happen. So you gotta play around a bit wiht the settings. Before that plz make a backup of /etc/fonts folder.

narangz said:
Here's another problem. I've installed gdesklets. However when I run it from Applications->Accessories->gdesklets it opens up a blank window which is then greyed & is closed automatically after few seconds!
They greyed out window indicates that gDesklets is not responding. Try running the command: gDesklets from Terminal to see what the error is.

narangz said:
But I got tired by doing this & that only for effects :sad: I still feel linux is for geeks.
Yes, 3rd party drivers and unsupported hardware sure make life hell on OSS! But if your hardware is supported then its prolly easier than any OS. The package manager and the display support everything for you (like in my case).

Sorry for not posting. Been a ibit busy!


Web developer
@-exx_2000-Thanks! That worked! I am also using Ubuntu 64-bit edition.

@Anirudh- Thanks Bhai! I really appreciate taking time out of your busy schedule for me!


Web developer
I feel its slow when launching apps. Eg. firefox, synaptics etc. Even its taking more time to boot than Vista! Strange!

The effects are pretty much OK.

One more thing. In ubuntu the processor temperature rises to 40 degrees after 1 hour but in Vista the processor temperature is 25 degrees even after 3 hours!

The processor is AMD 64 X2 3800+
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Think Zen.
Should be on the repos,
Anyways, here's deb's :

Also, here's a thread on ubuntu forums, maybe it'll help you with any problems you might face.


Web developer
deb package is not available for 64bit. i tried all the commands for .tar.gz

Can you plz provide step by step instructions?


Think Zen.
Here's some instructions i managed to find.
After dowload "gyachi_1.1.0-1_i386_gutsy.deb" and "gyachi-codecs.deb"
do following step :

1.) sudo dpkg -i gyachi-codecs.deb

2.) sudo dpkg -i --force-all gyachi_1.1.0-1_i386_gutsy.deb
(if you see messeges about incompatiblity x386 messeges , just ignore it)

3.) Download & Install GetLibs :


4.) sudo getlibs -32

5.) sudo getlibs -32

and Now your gyachi 32-Bit should be run with your Ubuntu 64-Bit

Source: *


In ubuntu how do u get such effects?

* out the right end)


Web developer
In ubuntu how do u get such effects?

* out the right end)

Compiz Fusion

1. Customization- *

2. Win Logo+Tab(on keyboard)
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