TRAI issues regulations for minimum 2G and 3G download speed


Human Spambot
Regulations on 3G speed. These guys are so simply mothersuckers. In a country where 256 kbps is considered as broadband there is a regulation of 3G / 2G speeds. Lovely :|


8kBps really? What will you do with that speed?
Web pages these days will takes ages to open with that speed.
Minimum is 16kBps but 20kBps should be considered.
16x8=120kbps , I think most 2g compaible devices have ~90kbps upper limit. Mind the 'B'=bytes not bits in my previous post.


But on edge you will get speeds, isnt it!

Base GPRS is known as 2G.
EDGE is known as 2.5G.
Then comes 3G with 384kbps.( The earliest 3G phones , I had one of them N6630)
Then came HSPA devices known as 3.5G , with speeds in multiples of 3.6mbps and so.

Most new Generation devices are capable of Edge/HSPA. But I think the average speed you can get on Edge will be somewhere around 25-30kBps at it's peak. That comes to be around 200kb(bits)ps+.
On my Vodafone EDGE network I am receiving an average DL speed of 16-22KB(bytes)ps.


Aspiring Novelist
Base GPRS is known as 2G.
EDGE is known as 2.5G.
Then comes 3G with 384kbps.( The earliest 3G phones , I had one of them N6630)
Then came HSPA devices known as 3.5G , with speeds in multiples of 3.6mbps and so.

Most new Generation devices are capable of Edge/HSPA. But I think the average speed you can get on Edge will be somewhere around 25-30kBps at it's peak. That comes to be around 200kb(bits)ps+.
On my Vodafone EDGE network I am receiving an average DL speed of 16-22KB(bytes)ps.

gprs is the 2.5G and edge is the 2.75G ;)


Ambassador of Buzz
TRAI just joking ... no one operator can obey the TRAI rules . just monopoly by operators . agree ??
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