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Wise Old Owl
TIL that Lisa Kudrow Actually played in a role of a particularly inept waitress in a TV series named Mad About You. This TV series ended just before F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Lisa used to play a Ursula Buffay in MAY, which later was conceived by Kauffman and Crane in the way more popular TV series that followed keeping her character name exactly same. She came to be Phoebe Buffay's identical twin sister :)


Sith Lord
Staff member
TIL high speed cameras, and even regular cameras can be used to turn various objects into a microphone

The Visual Microphone


Lost in speed
TIL Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford behind his desk regarding him as an "inspiration".
TIL im the unluckiest guy and people all around are Very lucky !
for instance MY friend bought 4 pizzas from Dominos and got a late delivery so, got half his money back ! and the place where i live, Dominos don't even deliver pizzas !
And his parents got some free tickets for a 5 star restaurant ! and hes going there today ! and me on the other hand ate in a restaurant about 5years ago !

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TIL Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford behind his desk regarding him as an "inspiration".
BTW did Henry Ford put people in concentration camps or did medical experiments on them ?Then how can it be "inspirational" ?


Lost in speed
TIL im the unluckiest guy and people all around are Very lucky !
for instance MY friend bought 4 pizzas from Dominos and got a late delivery so, got half his money back ! and the place where i live, Dominos don't even deliver pizzas !
And his parents got some free tickets for a 5 star restaurant ! and hes going there today ! and me on the other hand ate in a restaurant about 5years ago !

- - - Updated - - -

BTW did Henry Ford put people in concentration camps or did medical experiments on them ?Then how can it be "inspirational" ?

From wiki:

Steven Watts wrote that Hitler "revered" Ford, proclaiming that "I shall do my best to put his theories into practice in Germany," and modeling the Volkswagen, the people's car, on the Model T.

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and this one too...

TIL This is error free, valid programming:

var ಠ_ಠ = Object.create;
function ლ_ಠ益ಠ_ლ (ಠ_ಠ){
  return ಠ_ಠ({



In the zone
TIL This is error free, valid programming:

var ಠ_ಠ = Object.create;
function ლ_ಠ益ಠ_ლ (ಠ_ಠ){
  return ಠ_ಠ({


TIL this too from you :p
checked, it works without any error.


Lost in speed
TIL how the first computer bug was found. Its hilarious.

While Grace Hopper was working on a Mark II Computer at a US Navy research lab in Dahlgren, Virginia in 1947, her associates discovered a moth stuck in a relay and thereby impeding operation, whereupon she remarked that they were "debugging" the system. Though the term bug had been in use for many years in engineering to refer to small glitches and inexplicable problems, Admiral Hopper did bring the term into popularity and

here is the bug they found:



Wise Old Owl
^^That was awesome. The first bug.

btw TIL how it would look to play watch dogs, gta v and saints row iv in a black and white old-timer.

This is How Watch Dogs, GTA V, and Saints Row 4 Look Like While Running on 1973 Black and White TV


In the zone
TIL that Symbian is dead for Skype..
and also, Image upload is working now



  • Capture.JPG
    77.7 KB · Views: 206


Sith Lord
Staff member
TIL How Different Cultures Understand Time - Business Insider

most interesting was Madagascar
The Malagasy imagine the future as flowing into the back of their heads, or passing them from behind, then becoming the past as it stretches out in front of them. The past is in front of their eyes because it is visible, known and influential. They can look at it, enjoy it, learn from it, even “play” with it. The Malagasy people spend an inordinate amount of time consulting their ancestors, exhuming their bones, even partying with them.

By contrast, the Malagasy consider the future unknowable. It is behind their head where they do not have eyes. Their plans for this unknown area will be far from meticulous, for what can they be based on? Buses in Madagascar leave, not according to a predetermined timetable, but when the bus is full. The situation triggers the event. Not only does this make economic sense, but it is also the time that most passengers have chosen to leave.


The Power of x480
Staff member
TIL How Different Cultures Understand Time - Business Insider

most interesting was Madagascar

Interesting read that was. Sharp contrast in some cultures where its emphasized to forget the past, and focus on future. :p


Conversation Architect
Andrew Jones is a legend in himself. I have immense respect for that guy. If you hear a TAD Evolution 1 and what it does and how it beats speakers costing thrice as much,you will start worshipping Mr. Andrew Jones too......there are very few left like him in the industry like.....Dave Wilson,Jeff Joseph, Anthony Gallo, Richard Vandersteen,.... etc etc

TAD the very hiend speaker manufacturer is now owned by Pioneer and Pioneer Consumer Electronics division is now Owned by Onkyo.

TIL this :)


In the zone
TIL that... before going to place any order to buy anything online... check any upcoming special days for ex. today (Independence day).

Ordered Puma Descendant slipon ruinning shoes for 3999. got them yesterday. and today, they are on sale with 35% off for 2600. I was like WTF.. :-x
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