

Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Actually you should not compare Thief to COD or Assassins Creed ever. The original Thief had basically "created" the stealth genre. Expecting it to be anything more than a stealth/stealing game is therefore unrealistic. I am sure it would not appeal to those who don't like stealth games since stealth is a major portion of Thief's gameplay. If you don't use stealth, you won't last long. Also, you are a thief, not a murderer so no killing is justified. I haven't played it but from what I've observed there are no supernatural creatures like zombies, ghosts or burricks like the earlier thief games, so again there's no need to kill. Even earlier Thief games had limited health, so that is ok.

From what I've seen from review videos is that the lighting is great. Also, since the game is supposed to be dark, the texture quality does not matter at all. As for controls, it's mainly because this is a console port, therefore the console controls were mapped to Keyboard controls. That would explain the limited key bindings. But every arrow does have it's own key.


Its not like I want to. I just say what Square Enix/Eidos Montreal did as it is. It is a stealth game, it shouldn't have sequences that make me compare it to COD/AC at all. I wasn't complaining about low health. I was simply commenting that your average COD/AC fan won't like the low health.

It is a console port, not console emulation. They can change the keybindings like right about every good PC port out there. The texture quality does matter because the game relies on ambient occlusion. It is not like the textures become invisible. They just have a dark blue shading. They keep lighting up everything during cutscenes and the VA and Lip sync sucks making it extremely jarring.

Human Revolution, by the same company, with much brighter lighting had better stealth and lighting that this game.


Broken In
Guys I cannot go through the asylum chapter ( the forsaken), Does anyone has any save file just after completing the asylum level, I heard the asylum level was freaking out most of the gamers around the world even the ones who regularly play Horror games, I am not a fan of Horror games and this level is freaking me out.


Sorry for the bump. I tried installing it from the disks. Disk 1 goes well and then steam starts downloading the data. It's like it won't accept game data from Disk 2. :(


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member

Download the rest if it's not too much. You will probably also get updates.


installed the game but not able to start it. Tried desktop short-cut or through steam. When i click play, a small steam window pops up saying 'preparing to launch thief', then the thief splash menu pops up. when i click play the splash window menu closes and then nothing happens. tried re-installing but nothing.
i checked some forums about this issue and it says to download some .dll files and tweak with system32 folder in windows, which i dont wanna take a risk of.
just wondering if anyone here had this issue and know of a workaround
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