The Witcher 3


Living to Play
Geralt sporting a BEARD!

CD Projekt On The Witcher 3′s Open World, Beards | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Oh yeah, bring it on.

CDP On Role Of Combat, Sex, And Choice In Witcher 3 | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Nice info....Thanks for share.....I just wish that they fix that XP thing. :)


TW3 will remain DRM Free. All hail CD Projekt Red

The Witcher 3 is DRM-free - Cvgworld | Cvgworld
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EA will probably see that TW3 got pirated a lot like pretty much every AAA game in the world while SimCity and Diablo 3 didn't, using that as an excuse to push always on DRM.


Living to Play
EA will probably see that TW3 got pirated a lot like pretty much every AAA game in the world while SimCity and Diablo 3 didn't, using that as an excuse to push always on DRM.

And yet W2 sold so many copies. I don't buy much games but I bought both Witcher games. :)


PC Gamer first look.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt first look - slaying giants in CD Projekt RED's icy open world RPG | PC Gamer

Not quoting anything. The entire article is worth reading.


It's confirmed. No multiplayer!

Via Forbes:
To many fans of the series, the Witcher games are some of the last great single-player role-playing games being made. Recently there have been murmurings of a possible multiplayer mode in CD Projekt RED’s upcoming The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

This speculation has led to some understandable worry.

With companies like EA abandoning single-player games altogether, and many beloved franchises like Dragon Age and Mass Effect seeing tacked-on multiplayer elements, it would be pretty painful to see the same thing happen to the next Witcher.

Good news, then, for fans of Geralt of Rivia and the Witcher universe.

CD Projekt RED has told me in no uncertain terms that this is not in the works, noting that “the game will be an epic, story driven, single player, open world RPG experience” and that they “strongly feel that this final saga of Geralt has no place for meaningful multiplayer.

Full article

Seriously, every time CDPR talk, my respect for them goes up another notch.


Long Live Gojira!
Some new details.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – New Details Emerge From EDGE’s Cover + New Images | DSOGaming | The Dark Side Of Gaming


The first gameplay trailer.

This. Is. What. I'm. Talking. About.
A month ago I said how I wanted better world, more lively organic cities in the "next-gen" games. Looks like CDProjekt RED have answered my prayers! This has easily replaced Watch_Dogs as my most anticipated game.

Sadly, i know my 7850 is f****d.


omg gonna love it :shock:
moves and action looks pretty fast and dynamic. like an action movie i would say. I was expecting some eerie environment (may not so colours) like witcher 1. seems they giving me more than expectations . Liked that randier beast :lol: pretty fast eh.



The Witcher 3 wins IGN's People Chioce Award for E3 2013.

Somewhat surprising, since much of IGN's audience are console gamers, but totally deserved imo.
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