Ron >> 1st dent in ur brand new Ferrari
BTW DVD drive is troubling me too....i hav almost 50-60 DVDs to copy (awl movies) and many dvd i can not copy awl movies....i didnt juss copy all....systm smtyms tym juss refuse to a error [I am using Teracopy software fr copying]
idk, but i think laptop DVD drives are somewhat copy-right protected or something, many of my friends used to tell me that for past many years, and past week, i was burning a Windows 7 DVD from the ISO downloaded from MS DigitalRiver (so, it was original and SHA1 verified it to be MSDN ISO)...
After burning it @4x through my lappy's DVD ROM, my laptop DVD rom itself was'nt able to read it, system hangs, and DVD just spins vigorously in the drive, even not detecting during booting, tried on my desktop DVD drive, and it worked fine there..
As copying windows iso is infringement of windows copyright law, so i think that could be the problem...