I don't expect this lappy can run GTA V @ 900p and Mid-High Settings.....and run cool....I'm getting 45+ fps in GTA IV now..after using TS to fix FID @ 26 and gameplay is butter smooth...Max FPS-60 Min-30.. But Temps....No one can beat it!!!!LOL..
DAFAQ 101C ....seems like its snowfall here!!..Lappy is like ghost rider..dafaq Burning like sun......Its fun to play GTA IV on burning Machine!!!
IB Sux..SB were better...@ OC'ing and Normal Usage too.. Seems like Future lappies will have Water Cooling Systems!

DAFAQ 101C ....seems like its snowfall here!!..Lappy is like ghost rider..dafaq Burning like sun......Its fun to play GTA IV on burning Machine!!!
IB Sux..SB were better...@ OC'ing and Normal Usage too.. Seems like Future lappies will have Water Cooling Systems!
WTF?? Alien ware Got GT 650M .I thought it was a GTX 660m ....Dell Seriously!!^^ yea I know, it sucks....try out saints row the third, it can't beat gta, but its still fun to play...
and to those who think this laptop has a heating problem, please understand that its common with all ivy bridge laptops, even alienware M14x heats upto 94c under heavy load.....very demanding games like gta iv, bf3,will increase the temps....but games like batman, fifa, nfs won't cause such high temps....