What's the use of UV filter?
You don't have to become an expert overnight, watch/read tutorials when you have spare time/interest. Slowly you will get the hang of it and you will start to see the difference. For a start, use auto tone/preset and keep it as starting point and slide up/down from there to your taste.
No it doesn't look good (NO OFFENSE), and yes it's overexposed. (See once you start you will start to see the difference) Among the photos, try PPing that landscape and the kid shot.
I haven't used any 3rd party presets, so no idea about it. I don't use auto tone either, it's better we do the changes ourselves.
BTW, please refrain yourself from posting big size images. 640px or max of 800px is good enough for web sharing. One it takes time to load, two have to scroll and view the picture (can't see the whole picture in one shot). Forum auto resize based on the width, not height. To explain it further, my screen res is 1440x900. That 900px is not fully available, browser menu bar, title bar, forum tabs, windows task bar takes some of the pixel and leaving me about ~680px, any thing more than that I have to scroll and view.
Anyway, so Auto-Tone is not going to work right? I have to manually move the bar and guess which one is looking good.
BTW, I'm not sure why pictures looks underexposed as all these pics are taken on A mode with EV set to 0.
The UV filter? Actually one of my photographer friend told to get it, to protect the lens. He said it's better to clean the UV Filter instead of lens. And in case of scratches I can throw away the filter instead of repairing the lens. So is this one affecting the EV of the pics?