No, milky way isn't visible to naked eyes here in my place. Wish to see it at least once in my life time. Without Stellarium finding it would be one helluva job.
You don't see star trails? I guess you're viewing it from your mobile phone. It's there even in this small resolution.
Even though I felt capturing milky way could be possible with SX130, there was some amount of doubt. If SX130 can do it, I am sure NEX can do it much better. May be you don't need to push your camera as much as I did. I was desperate to get it, so I pushed too much. Probably with just one exposure you could have milkyway with NEX.
Tried to stack my star trails images with deepskystacker and got a fully blown out image. I guess it moves the pics to prevent trails, apart from that seemed to get nothing out of it. Definitely no milky way