The Photography Thread


I am checking white balance now. Btw, I found that my camera has filter modes in it. red,blue,warm filters, etc are there.


Thanks toofan. It would be better if you specify why you didn't like the second shot.

Its not that I disliked the second shot but I feel it has no subject. The stairs are looking like a background. If there would have been something over those that would have looked perfect.

See the stairs are creating circular lines but of large thickness. So to make them the subject they should have been shot from a distance so that eyes may concentrate on the symmetry of line created by stairs. Eyes are not resting on anything in that shot. Hope you got my point what I want to say.

In the first shot there are many things to compliment the road but in second there is nothing.


toofan Thanks, I found the option which allows manual correction of white balance after exposing to a white paper. :doogone:


Cool G5

Conversation Architect
@toofan - Yes got your point. Thanks. Will try shooting there again.

@krow - Thanks. I liked the ripples. You can even use a grey-white paper to set the WB manually.


Title : Paying homage to the people who lost lives on 26/11(2008 )

Posted again:
@gaurav :nice curvey picture :do some processing bro :).They will turn out something else :p
@nice blue ripple pix :)
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The view from topmost point, Janjira Fort, Murud, Maharashtra.

Okay guys, now my problem is that if you look closely at the top left of the image, you will see a thumb print like dark spot. It is just below the top left corner. I get this many times, when I have aperture at f/8.0 and high shutter speed to negate the heavy light of noon/afternoon. Any help? It does not occur in shots taken at any other time of the day.


Krow what a shot.

Try to clean your lens but carefully and with a soft cotton cloth like your undershirt(if its soft enough .mine is very soft) or the cloth used for cleaning specs.
If it still there then time for some service.


^Thanks toofan. I have cleaned it with a clean dry handkerchief once, now let's see if it occurs again.

Damn, I forgot to mention, Stuge, that shot is one of your best. Speaks volumes.



This image is downloaded from and should have been taken by a pro .


This image is posted as jjmehta photography forum and taken by an photographer like us But surely with a DSLR.

Now How many of you think that we will be able to take such High quality shots and in how much time.


If you notice toofan, most of us here are relatively new to photography. I am hardly a year into it and I believe that with time my photography will improve. So, why not, one day we will be better than those pictures over here. It will take time and I am gonna be learning all the while. :)

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
I strongly believe that we all can improve.
How much time it will take for us depends very much on how much time we dedicate towards photography. Under the guidance of a good mentor you can learn much faster as he will guide you correctly & tell you the things to avoid. The second shot posted on J.J Mehta forum appears very saturated to me in terms of colors. First is good & such shots demand a nice telephoto lens along with a DSLR camera whose body alone goes in lakhs.

If we get such equipments at our hands then obviously we can improve by leaps & bounds. I haven't ever though upon this & I always go to improve upon my current work. I have a Canon prosumer camera & always think how can I get best pictures from it by working out its drawbacks of noise, autofocus locks etc. I'm planning to enroll myself in a photography course next year to improve my skills but the plans are still sketchy. I already missed the course this year due to postponed exams & full batch in the first half of 2009.


The colors in second shot looks saturated because According to my knowledge DSLR records colors in 12 to 14 bit while our camera in 8 bit. And lot of other reasons also.

I had seen jpegs straight from a DSLR and those were sharp, colorful and contrasty without any PP and that too from a 6 megapixel camera D40.

I would have bought a Nikon D40x(As it was around 24k at that time with kit lens) but family members needed videos more then images.:cry: And I decided to mix things up of buying there choice and my choice and come up with cannon sx110is. Which is a good choice indeed but nothing in comparison to D40x.

Cool for photography classes you will need a DSLR most probably. Which one you thinking of buying in future.


^That's totally lame IMHO. Why is a DSLR necessary? Not everyone can afford one. DSLR's come cheap only in the grey market.
Posted again:
Janjira Fort, Murud.
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Cool G5

Conversation Architect
@toofan - I had already enquired & they said my camera is fine. Offcourse I'll need to get a DSLR once I complete the course. I'm now stucked with a old PC which is already breathing its last & now even have to get a DSLR. :(

I haven't yet thought which one to go for at the moment. Also I don't believe in PP much & would like to take great images right out of the camera's sensor. :)


Krow: Nice Image colorful image although It only has one color but looking great.
Posted again:
Krow: IMO = in my opinion but what is this
IMHO = ?
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hmm krow -> DSLR give you a chance to shoot wide angle shots(eg 14mm shots (full frame sensor ) ,and a chance to use array of filters available in the market ,but yes all this comes for a price .If you can afford one ,even a budget one, it is 100% times better than a point and shoot .

in b/w ISO perfomance of any budget DSLR is much better than a point and shoot .
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