The Photography Thread


I like the bird shot , though its a bit too black.
The sky in the 2nd shot looks nice, but the ground is too underexposed dark. IMO this is a good example where HDR might have worked .
The 3rd one has too much contrast. Didn't liked it.


@game-freak : first one of the bird in flight is nice one. I think there was a chance to try the second one as HDRI.


Grand Master
A shot I took today of my friend

The yo man by sujoyp, on Flickr

one thing I have to say...RAW files are soo soo grainy ...Its soo difficult to keep it sharp and remove grains ...I will have to learn that..even at ISO 400 it looks like ISO 3200 JPEG


Grand Master
but nac while birding I keep my ISO at 400 most of the time.... today out of camera RAW are soo much grainy...I had to apply like more then 50% of noise reduction in LR ...and then the image looked soft ...lost all the sharpness :evil:


I have the same problem with raw. You can actually see the grain even without zoonming.

Currently i just apply about 80 points of luminance noise reduction with the details at 60 points. (Lightroom). Let me know how you are dealing with it


Grand Master
I am almost putting 50 luminance , 50 detail ,20 contrast and 40 color noise with no sharping

but that does not make my pic clean...just a balance between sharpness and NR.. my out of DSLR ISO400 was soo clean ...I will try other NR software


Back to school!!
Some pics from my recent Lonavala trip:












Broken In
The City That Never Sleeps...

Metro Construction Work in Progress at Ring Road Around 4am

fb - Copy by anmolksharma, on Flickr


beautiful shots people

Anmol; that's a nice light trail.

a few of my latest uploads

Protecting the light by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr

Lights of luxury by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr



"Born to Fly -You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't--Rumi"
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