Very personal opinion, but I HATE watermarks disfiguring the very subject of a photo its meant to show. I hate that with a vengeance. Why on earth do people care so much about losing the images to the internet ?
Its not like one is becoming immortal over the internet even if one's images go viral - most people would just curse you for ruining the show with a ghastly watermark and some guy will just edit it to remove the watermark anyways. Not saying I dont understand this need some people have to watermark their images, but do it in a more subtle way - on the sides and not in a way that it gets half the attention. I'd hate to have anybody's face plastere with a logo that screams ABCDEFG Photography.
Credit to you, your watermark is less obtrusive than a few others I have seen. /rant
Other than that, decent shot though the background is overexposed - use newspapers rather than white a4 sheets. Although you can certainly find stuff better than both of them.
@Amlan: I am not very sure with the idea of handheld photography at night
But good shots, although the bokeh isnt that great.