The Photography Thread


@izzikio_rage - nice one, very creative; you could have cleaned the glass and avoided the window grill. but it does not show up unless we are looking for it.
@CyberKID -second one from the bottom is very nice.
@kjuvale - lovely shots, liked both of them, very beautiful.
@sujoyp - nice vibrant colours, nice capture.
@rhitwick -I liked the first and the forth from the top. To what Sujoy said above add to it "6)Patience wait and click" .


Democracy is a myth
rhitwik macro photography is a different genre altogether ....u need different equipments and different techniques.

1. Macro photography dont need autofocus...better use manual focus..its more accurate
I'm using manual focus here. Autofocus is too slow.

2. dont use f2.8 for macros ...u will have to go down to f7.1-f8 to get the whole subject sharp ...bokeh u will get easily due to magnification, dont worry about it.
Very important point you raised. My almost all photos are in low focul length. I'll remember this.

3. You will definitely need a external flash with diffuser for macros coz when you go soo close ur popup flash can not light the area...and diffuser coz u wont want ur subjects go blind after ur photo.
I'll think about it. Right now need to take enough good shots to convince myself that I can do.

5. strengthen your forearms :D ... you can imagine the dslr+lens+flash = 1.5kg in your hand stable for long time ...a slight movement and pic will be useless
Yeah, facing issues here. My hands are so shaking. I wonder how Toofan clicks those insect photos.


Grand Master
@rhitwick for macro photography external flash is not a choice its compulsory :) get a cheap one costing 2.5k a chineese will also do...but without flash u wont be able to take shots at f8 coz ur own shadow will fall on the insect :)

and yes shaking hands is a problem...the only other solution is using a monopod or tripod .. my macro lens was small and dslr is also small soo it helped...its like 350+300+300 = around a kg ....but I could not keep it still like that for long looking at the screen and waiting for right moment ... only after taking 50 macro shots my hands starts paining

just keep practicing :) lens liya hai to seekho :D


Aspiring Novelist
Great going guys :)

Lm2k, That cake shot is wonderful. One of your best :doublethumb:

Karan, Congrats for the blog... But why the images are stretched.


In search for Tech Gyan!
Hey guys, can we have some more members in TDF Photographers Flickr Page?
You can PM me your mail id's to send you an invite or can join using this link:
  • Flickr: TDF Photographers


nice discussion on macro photography, have been trying out some of this stuff, but I guess without a macro lens or a reverse mount it's not really going to be all that good.

Have been utilizing the monsoon time and clicking cloud pictures like crazy.

A whole new world by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr


@sujoyp - Nice colours in the sky . I'd have liked it more if you had cropped more of the buildings, there is a bit too much of blacks in there.
@rhitwick- All shots are really nice.
@izzikio_rage - Nice , where did you shot that from ?

Here's one with Sony H55


Staff member
few wide angle pics






Chillum Baba
The Caves




@All: thanks :)
@Sujoy, izzikio_rage: nice sky pics
@Faun: Awesome snaps
: nice photos, is it Ajanta?

Alps by Kjuvale, on Flickr
Last edited:


Grand Master
@medico seems ajanta caves ...nice one

@kapil post it bit larger...u posted too small...pic is beautiful
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