The Photography Thread


RoCk N' RoLL
Awesome shots by everyone! Great to see this thread active again after a long time! :)

@nac you are improving a lot! congrats!

@abhidev, mastervk, kapil, arian Nice shots!

This was after the unusual storm n rain in Delhi a couple of days back, the sky and sun rays were looking so dramatic that I couldn't resist taking a few snaps, these were taken from my home terrace... shots didn't came that good as it was looking and I thought I must start shooting again, I'm loosing the grip on photography as m really busy these days.. :(

Sun Rays by Jaggy89, on Flickr

Sun Rays by Jaggy89, on Flickr


@Arian, Jaggy: great snaps !
@Jayntra: awesome pic.

Dresden by digitman2006, on Flickr

Katholische Hofkirche, Dresden by digitman2006, on Flickr


RoCk N' RoLL
Thanks guys!

@nac yes, I shoot in raw most of the time... but the 2nd shot above was a 3 exposure(jpeg) hdr..

jayantr7: Nice shot!

Kapil: 1st one is a classic! Great use of b/w, it may have not looked that great in color..


Legend Never Ends

Also I believe we should discuss about tips etc about photography on other thread by Vickybat. We should just leave photos to be posted here :wink:


Grand Master
no techfreak how can we comment without looking at should be followed by pics.

like the pic u posted is too dark...u should have used a tripod or some support and used long exposure like 2-3 sec..


Legend Never Ends
like the pic u posted is too dark...u should have used a tripod or some support and used long exposure like 2-3 sec..
Took photo from a car :p
And wasn't very stable.
no techfreak how can we comment without looking at should be followed by pics.
Not comments. You guys were discussing few days back about some equipment etc. Don't exactly remember which page but you were :p


Chillum Baba
Badminton (Batminttal - as my barber calls it) court indoor shoot. Though the lights seem many, they are very high which demands very high ISO and low shutter speeds. I guess a full frame and a F2.8 lens would give amazing results here. These were taken with tripod.

The courts:



Cyborg Agent
@kjuvale always love your low light shots

Here is my 15s long exposure macro... I,ve titled it "Time Flies"



I was pretty surprised, when I saw the number of views I was getting on Venus Transit pictures . Later to find out that one of my piicture was liked by NASA Goddard, and the same was featured in NASA Goddard flickr gallery .Thank you Nasa. I know its a small recognition but it means a lot to me.


Projected image through Telescope shot using Nikon D700 .I will post more pictures from the event .Feels awesome to be a part of this Historical Event .Next Event won't happen until 2117 :(


Initial transit here in Delhi was obscured by clouds .This was one of the first shot I took yesterday of transit


Equipment :Nikon D90 + 70-300mm Vr @300mm + Kenko 2x =900mm + lot of layering and deleting in Post Processing


link to bigger image

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