The Photography Thread


Kjvale: Excellent takes, very sharp and well exposed. Monkey shot is over exposed.


I wish a Very Very Happy New Year to All of you. Its one day late but out for a trip on 1st.

_DSC2958 by toofan.v, on Flickr


Aspiring Novelist
Your photos are coooool...

Nice work :)

Few of my clicks this weekend...

Bird having lunch (Guava)


Squirrel on the wire


House Fly



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Cyborg Agent







Quality Affected. Used . Should have used flickr.


Grand Master
@skr use negative exposure to get more details on moon

@toofan Happy New Year to u :)

@nac good try on macros...try to edit the pics and brighten the subjects..and dont post dead subjects :x

@kunal ur squerrel shots r nice ...that road shot is nice ... lake is underexposed


Aspiring Novelist

Sorry for that. I better remove it...

And thanks for tip on negative exposure...


Broken In
@abhidev Thankyou. Yes its the Canon SX130.

@Im2k No tripods. Just two steady hands!!!:razz:

@nac Thanks. Housefly is amazing.

@sujoyp What is this negative exposure. How to use it. Please throw some light!!!


Grand Master

This is the back side of sx130IS use the +/- button while taking the pic...the +/- button is also called exposure button :)

There u can increase or decrease exposure (something like brightness and darkness) of the image
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Broken In
oh OK. Thanks.

And guys thanks for the patience with which you all reply, even if my query appears trivial.

I am a real novice and just have started of in this field. Before I came to this forum I used to think that apperture was a word used to denote high temparature. :oops: :mrgreen:
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Broken In
@abhidev Yes its a Point and Shoot camera but with a lot of advanced features and 12x zoom. A step in the direction of DSLR in a P&S outfit.

Tried out @sujoyp suggestion on negative exposure.

First moon shot without negative exposure

Moon - Auto (2) by skr sx130, on Flickr

Second moon shot with negative exposure - using manual focus

Moon MF-2 by skr sx130, on Flickr

First macro shot with flash

Flower Macro with flash by skr sx130, on Flickr

By the way, when I use flash to take pictures of people, at night, inside the house the resultant picture has a very red tone to it. Be it with the room light on or off. I cant figure out what to do. Any information in this regard?

@nac Any suggestions? And have you tried video recording. Whats your experience on that?


Aspiring Novelist
I like 2nd, 4th and 6th.

I wanted to post as-is (other than cropping/resize) photos rather than edited one. And don't know how to do so, that's different :D. Here is the one as you suggested. It's edited in-camera.




A tiny little insect...



Nice flower macro...
With flash we get little realistic (skin tone of people) than with flash turned off. In general I don't use flash. I don't remember much where I have taken using flash other than people. I think you are saying that as red tone.

About video, in total I have shot around 6 or 7 minutes till date. And I shot only at HD, no other resolution. I am not much into video shooting.

Here is a moon shot I took few hours ago...

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Grand Master
@skr the 2nd moon shot is much better...u can see many details in it :)

red tone...u mean dark pics I suppose...try increasing the aperture in aperture mode and put the flash in auto and shoot the pics as such the subject is facing the tubelight :)
And yes if u can change the metering mode to center or spot...I hope u know how to change it:D

@nac your 1st pic is in correct focus and looks good...remaining bit out of focus

your moon is again overexposed and lost much details...try negative exposure as said earlier

dont reject editing ...u have to know it...learn slowly but start learning:)


Aspiring Novelist

It's alright, don't be sorry. And feel free to criticise.

The insect shot, I don't know where to focus. That one was not even fitting 50% of that frame. Actually I was trying to post a post (about focusing the small subject) since yesterday night in the other thread (Understanding Camera Setting). But I couldn't, there is an error. Reported, yet to fix the issue. Try posting there, whether you could able to post.

And what about the in-camera editing. Is that OK?


Broken In
By red tone I mean, it looks like a mild red light is focused on the person's face. I tried switching off the red eye light. Still no use.

This is without flash

Without flash by skr sx130, on Flickr

This is with flash

With flash by skr sx130, on Flickr

Irrespective of the person facing the light or away from it or even without the light in the room this is how the pics appear.


Grand Master
@nac I edited my post 3 times coz u changed the pic and then added moon later :D

@prabhu Good that u got D3100 :)

@skr...cant help with this...try using come diffuser type of thing on the flash...the popup flash just work like this :(


Made some shots last weak (Actually last year :) ). Sharing for your Critiques. I had used only one flash for these shots.

Please guide on how to improve more. Thanks.

D90+ 18-105mm @ ISO 200 S.S: 1/200 and Fstop: 16 for most of the shots. + Vivitar 285HV @ 1/16 on my rosogulla box.






Aspiring Novelist
I posted a wrong link (first image) so the edit. And the moon shot post is bumped, not edited. The moon was shot using negative exposure -2, you can check the Exif.


It's normal, I believe.

I like the last one. It looks so nice...
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