The Photography Thread


Grand Master
@nac your frame looks great...

@Anorion nice try but sky is totally washed details at all :(
was it really soo foggy

And bina clouds ke HDR ka maza nahi aata ;)


Democracy is a myth
Guys, I need some info on HDR...

I was looking up it in internet and found its mainly done by softwares...which s/w u all use?

And...I understand the basic concept of HDR
1 overexposed photo
1 Normal photo
1 underexposed photo

Other details would be helpful.


Sith Lord
Staff member
concept is to have areas with all exposures and pick the parts that work best... 3 exposures may be enough, but maybe you could do better with 5 because the extreme ends really captures more tonal information, colors that don't appear in some exposeres appear in others

for my image I used 4 brackets, there are three for the sky, one for the bluish tinge right on top, one for the warm red band in the middle, one for the purple band right around the sun, and the last one is cut at the where the "fog" is, which is an artifact of the transition, but purposely tried to make it look like fog... now ic it looks unnatural

will have to wait a whole year for those nice fluffy white clouds lol they show up best in oct-nov...

having a prolem with choosing the correct amount of light for any particular area, went ahead and retained those parts that had the most colour, maybe another exposure for the rocks at the bottom would have helped


Grand Master
@rhitwick use photomatrix pro ..its a full fledged software for HDR...and very popular

@anorion....u have done quit many things for that image :) I have never tried HDR for 2 reasons...first I dont have tripod and secondly my DSLR dont have auto bracketing feature..before HDR I would get a CPL (circular polarisor) for neat sky and nice clouds:)


jags: good macro.

anorion: beautiful shot. Loved the treatment given. Although the details are washed out but a dreamy look.

For your C&C.
Thanks. Setup is same as before.




_DSC1917 by toofan.v, on Flickr


great shots there toofan
@sujoyp: I agree with the tripod part ,but you don't really need polarizer for hdr .Polarizer will further increase noise .
@Anorion: .Nice try ,but you gotta shoot a lot if you want to try out hdr .
@astroutkarsh: all I will say shoot more and work on composition .




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Grand Master
@toofan...I like ur colored macro more than these b&W coz lots of detail is lost it seems...

@stuge....lovely rose pics...loved them :)
That CPL was just in my mind...I know we can get good HDR normally with good techniques normally.


Canon EOS 600D / 1000D
@astroutkarsh: all I will say shoot more and work on composition .

Thanks Stuge...& Nice Roses
Stuge, can you take one Image to explain composition part ?
I know, composition of Image will come from experience & creativity. But still, I would like to work on that. If required, I will create another thread for this & everyone can add few cents there
Is it ok ?



Grand Master
how can anybody guide regarding composition :) its like copying somebody's style

Still if its possible..I wanna know too :D


RoCk N' RoLL
Amazing shot toofan! The focus and details are awesome!

The Eagle by Jaggy89, on Flickr
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In the zone
Since I was absent from this club for quite a while, I would like to re-start with this pic.



Aspiring Novelist
Sujoy, Thanks for the comment on my digital photo frame.

Abhinav, lovely roses.

INS ANI, nice one. (By the by what's your gear)

Merry X'mas to every one...


Grand Master
@Animesh (INS-ANI) this is an old pic u posted long that u r getting ur DSLR ...I am waiting for great pics from u ;)

@Nac Merry Christmas to you too :):toast::bananana:

-----Today went to some Christmas photoshoot with 50mm1.8 but sadly missed many shots due to poor manual focusing :( I will get a 50mm 1.8 AFS someday :D

Some images for you guys :)




This diya stand is a mixture of hindu and christan culture :) loved it

Didnt dare to take direct shots soo hid behind the diya :D

Lastly a Christmas tree...sorry there was no distance to move around soo not much artistic :)


Chillum Baba
Meet Maggie. Most important family member in my friend's home. Got an opportunity today to click her.





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