Here is my comments(extremely my personal feelings

) about the images of page 116.
Really nice pics, dreamy with sad lights. Very artistic. Keep creating.
His first macro shot is good and informative.
He try with some different subject. And capture them nicely. His last two shot is lovely, specially last one.
I am sorry I don't found anything special with his images. But they are looking good.
Faun again
this time he experiments with moon and clouds. Very nice effort.
sujoyp again
He also with moon-clouds and some birds. first bird pic is very nice.
kjuvale again
This time I like his second one and forth. Specially 2nd one is wonderful. Animal on the ground and a tiny bird flying in the distance blue sky is really very artistic.

I am not sure will it be much better without the left tree or not.
His 3rd shot is awesome. And in my opinion(it is extremely my personal opinion) it is the best I have seen in this page.
combination of sharp thorn and the lizard, I got something more out of it, It is really verrry nice.
His 6th one is great. The clouds and the colour create a true historic feeling with the image. Lovely and very successful shot.
thanks everyone.