The Photography Thread


RoCk N' RoLL
@krishnandu thanx!

Sujoyp: nice capture of the spider..

Medico: pic is little blurry, was it handheld?

Sunrise on a misty morning..


Grand Master
Jagg your pics looks soo beautiful...

here in my place nothing is sceneric...yesterday I tried to take cloud pics at wideangle or at 18mm but every pic have building here n there:?


Staff member
@sujoyp nuclear explosions cloud is good. What setting did you use ? I assume you underexposed the shot.

@a_medica your moon size is bigger, is it due to lens or mp ?


Staff member
Faun its time u buy a tripod. Specially for such kind of shots. With low ISO, a rock steady hand is required or a tripod.

The shot is superb though. Keep it up.

It will take some time. Before that I am eying for a zoom lens. Clicked another moon photo, this time a bit better than previous try. Will take another at 2-3 pm tonight, the brightest time for moon.


Grand Master
yes faun I purposefully underexposed the pic...although I also took a normal pic to keep a reference:razz:


And the sky I was talking about...ruined by the building:sad:


Chillum Baba
@Faun - Must be cause of 30-700mm lens zoomed @300mm. Also it was taken on the day of Holi, when the moon was a bit bigger.


Staff member
@sujoyp dat building...crop...crop...crop

@a_medico Hey which lens is it ? It should be damn good at wildlife pics.

@jagg nice pics, esp the tree in last.


Chillum Baba
I wanted to post one more pic, but the page is taking too long to load because of axes2t2 pics and I don't think he's gonna resize them in the near future :p

Eager to get on the new page! ;)

@jagg It was using a tripod and remote switch. But at 300mm zoom, even on tripod, the moon was moving too fast. It was escaping the frame! First I thought it must be tripod/ballhead loosening, but later I realised it was the moon itself! I should have increased the shutter speed and compensated it with the ISO.

@Faun Sigma 70-300mm DG Macro APO
Its a telephoto lens with ability to switch to Macro mode between 200-300mm
Costed me around 11K. But I haven't switched back to my kit lens since the day I brought this one.

500mm are ideal for wildlife. But 300mm are ok for lesser mortals like us. Theres one guy on JJMF, who shoots excellent bird fotos with a 500mm lens.


RoCk N' RoLL
Thanks Sujoyp, faun..
Sujoyp: the Normal nuclear explosion cloud is better :D

Medico: hmm, was the IS off? coz i've noticed that if IS is on while camera is on tripod it tends to shake the image..

n yea the loading of images is really irritating :|


Grand Master
medico u have that lens...thats great I want feedback...howz it...focusing speed is real bad? howz life without VR...can we shoot hand held??
...and is it true that its 200-300 is useless with high CA...

I will be purchasing a zoom next month 1st week:razz:

@faun if I crop the building the scene will not look a wide one and its infinity effect will be lost:cry:

@jagg ...really u liked the normal one...I thought that its over exposed a bit..thanks


In the zone




Chillum Baba
medico u have that lens...thats great I want feedback...howz it...focusing speed is real bad? howz life without VR...can we shoot hand held??
...and is it true that its 200-300 is useless with high CA...

I will be purchasing a zoom next month 1st week:razz:

Focusing speed - Not that great. And I rarely use autofocus. Almost invariably manual focus.

Life without IS (VR) ain't that great but I am getting used to it. But tripod and remote trigger compensates for it.

Posting some handheld images taken on Holi (I have lots of shakes while clicking a photo. Others do much better with it). All are taken at 300mm zoom.





CA yes, but it ain't that bad. Canon/Nikon original are much better when it comes to image quality. But sigma is best value for money considering 300mm range and Macro mode. All for just around 9.5K(or 10.5k..cant recall exact figure). With macro mode on and attaching a Raynox macro filter in addition to it, people get excellent results.

With normal mode:


Same with Macro Mode on Sigma + Raynox DCR250 filter:

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Grand Master
ok Thanks for the answers...some says tamron have better sharpness but more CA and sigma is less sharp and less CA

I want to autofocus with that...I have heard that it have a small motor soo autofocus takes more time..

Anyways thanks again:p
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