The Official Xiaomi Discussion Thread


Ambassador of Buzz
is it a big problem?? under full brightness it appears less light coming from bottom compared to other sides


Ambassador of Buzz
or you could have prefixed the folder with a "." a dot( rename like .new etc that would make the folder hidden and you would need to enable viewing hidden folder in file explorer to see it again


my battery lasted for 1day 18hours with above average use!! :D

the only problem that i am facing is the LED NOTIFICATION Thing,does any one else have the same problem ?

Esoteric Eric

hmm.. bottom is a slightly dimmer i think there is a very minute backlight bleed on top which makes it appear brighter its apparent if you look carefully only...i dont have my camera with me..trying to take the pic in a pitch black room with my old SL doesnt help much..its not apparent on normal use..but if you load a whole white page , for example the settings page you tend to notice it..
if you make it whole black the bottom area is darker compared to top

im not really sure whether i should pursure this .. everything else is fine for me

That seems like a weird problem. You still have time to claim for a replacement if it is a hardware problem. To run the phone's internal diagnostic tests just dial *#*#64663#*#*

You'll get a variety of tests...

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For more information just follow this thread

[Tools, Tips & Tutorials] Mi3 Hardware Test Mode (*#*#64663#*#*) Screenshots|MIUI (for some reason I'm unable to directly link to their thread so you might have to search for this particular thread within the site)

Failing which you might have to return your device. You are lucky you have figured this out well within time

Edit: Fine, I'm posting the direct link so just copy paste



Ambassador of Buzz
The top edge is definitely brighter Compared to bottom edge of screen, (or the bottom edge is darker compared to top) I'm not alone with this, asked my friend who had bought it he also has it and I have posted on their Facebook page also some have replied..
I don't really wanna go through the hassle of replacing this unless necessary, it could be a make problem and don't wanna end up with the same problem again so once I get hold of a camera I'll post the pics here and sent a few to flipkart and xiaomi too
So from the response Am I alone in this, within the forum? No one else has it??

Btw how does the flipkart replacement process work? How long does it take once they have initiated


I am the master of my Fate.
Stable rom aint rooted i guess.for the time being im not rooting lemme get the hang of it
and which browser according to you is best?(just wanna know) i will be using opera mini for most of my regular use(i really love its feed system).. but those which need interaction ill need a decent browser
I have asked this question in Android discussion thread

I use UCbrowser

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
My fone this Mi3 by the grace of God is fine and faultless. I read all the faults you guys mentioned,went and tried and tested on my fone but I couldn't find fault.

The screen issue , the banding at the bottom is typical IPS panel problem. The theme that we have as default has a black tint towards the bottom which when the fone is used with high brightness levels creates a burn in which on white backgrounds become evident. Decrease the brightness below half for a day or two and I hope the issue will get resolved. I never set my brightness of the screen over 25% for the first 7 days. It does pay off.


Ambassador of Buzz
it isnt lcd burn..its either bit of increased backlight coming from top or decreased backlight from not sure which is which

my brightness level was always in the range of 20-30% except for some 5 min when i went out into sunlit area

and yeah i have already posted on facebook some 3 people have replied..ill post the pics here tonight..

update just now another guy also has posted on face book

i get a feeling this is a common issue perhaps from a particular batch or build

both sharp and jdi are making displays may be one of them has problems , its a also thinking the display make which isnt on my phone has longer battery life :p ... just some theories..

[MENTION=128761]sushovan[/MENTION] which page was the post ? ill like to get there post my reply too :p

the miindia facebook admin just replied to my DM , adviced me to take it to service centre,..
the nearest centre isnt even picking up the phone..and its 70km away..
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In the zone
the comment is right now on the first page of MI3 review in Gogi's site. this incident is quite similar to what many LG G2 users suffered. Many G2 screens went dead after booting into recoveries (even stock one) but the G2 screens which were made by another panel maker encountered no such issues. plenty batches of HTC one M7 also had the infamous purple tint camera issue due to the fault of a particular camera module maker.


Ambassador of Buzz
here comes my first pic managed to obtain a camera from friend could only take a proper pic with white background , black gives weird colours

see the top and bottom top is left side here

the dark bands you see on either side is down to the focus issues of camera i think its not like that..i dont think a camera snap would be able to reproduce the problem correctly, trying to take different shots will update

BTW MI3W stands for WCDMA i think which is the international version dont worry about that

i think the black back ground shows it well now
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