The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

The new MacBook!

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 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Its the phoneless iphone is what it is...


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Starbucks integration: When you get near a Starbucks location, you’ll get a Starbucks icon in iTunes Store. You can buy songs that are playing over the Starbucks music selection, and you can even look at the last 10 songs that’s been played and buy the songs there.

They’re bringing the iTunes mobile music store to bring it to the iPhone

rather weird to have a tie up with starbucks ... o! well americans:

hey i want a new ring tone lets go for coffee :D

however it seems to me like a copy of the airtel initiative where airtel ahd tied up for ringtones ... if indians know what im tlaking abt


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

The iPhone gets a free update too. Take that, gx_saurav - the eternal pessimist! :lol:


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

so they do accept it was flawed .. the iphone i mean :lol:

“Starbucks has become this third place, between home and work”. No word yet on whether the Wi-Fi downloading will be free. It will, ok they just said that it’s free, and you’ll have free access to iTunes.

apple giving something free :shocked:
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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

I hate it that one of the big new features was... of all things... an integration with Starbucks "and their love of music". Riiight! It's totally got me hooked, Steve. :lol:


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

$399 for 8GB iPhone! This is HUUUGE!


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
The iPhone gets a free update too. Take that, gx_saurav - the eternal pessimist! :lol:
For what? Wireless iTunes purchase? its gonna affect me cos I don't buy songs off the internet that too with DRM.

Hey can iPhone let me use yahoo messenger without actually hacking the iPhone? I don't want to use a webserver based application which harvests my Passwords.

iPhone for $399....atlast, but $400 & still not a smart phone or even close to my K750i & lets just forget W960i. Lets pass this....

Apple, now change the damn OS of iPhone 4 GB & launch a SDK for 3rd party application in it along with JAVA support & I will sure buy it


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Of course, I'm assuming there's going to be a 16GB one as well...for 499


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Steve: "Take a look at the iPhone. You know, the surveys are in: the customer satisfaction numbers on the iPhone are off the charts. They're higher from iPhone owners than any Apple product. Ever. They LOVE them. We want to make the iPhone even MORE affordable for even more people."

Now what does that mean?! ;)

... beyond that, actually. Dang! It will become way to common now though.

(And the iPod Touch will suffer. Surely.)
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You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

^^^^ That means Apple is lieing


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Apple, now change the damn OS of iPhone 4 GB & launch a SDK for 3rd party application in it along with JAVA support & I will sure buy it.
So the world should bend down (and you know what bend down means don't you?) so that gx can buy an iPhone... kya sheyr hei.


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

thats what im saying a same looking device without phone capability what are they thinking ... y wud any1 go for a pmp wen they can get a phone also in the same bloody packing


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

You guys are forgetting the contract that is attached to the iPhone while the iPod touch is free. Though I guess the unlockers are on the rise, it still means that legally, the iPod touch is much much cheaper than the iPhone...


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Also official: 4GB iPhone is now gone.

but goobi even though its cheaper i wud not imagine a person having a touch screen ipod in 1 pocket and an iphone in another ...


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

person having a touch screen ipod in 1 pocket and an iphone in another
Why did you have such a sick thought? its for those who already have a phone but want an iPod as well. I don't think its an intended to be sold to iPhone customers....


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

iMav said:
Also official: 4GB iPhone is now gone.

He he...30 GB Cowen D2 looks so tempting now :D

but goobi even though its cheaper i wud not imagine a person having a touch screen ipod in 1 pocket and an iphone in another ...



Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

But still yaar, goobi. Not buying an iPhone and going for the iPod Touch seems pretty stupid to me now.

When, oh when, is the damn thing coming to India!?

BTW, what will happen to poor 'ol Zoony now? Does anyone even remember that thing? LOL :lol:


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Let us start the Macboys stupidity bashing :D

So I can’t use my own ringtone in iPhone. I have to buy it from iTunes only. If I have a song purchased from iTunes then I have to pay $1 again to use it as a ringtone. This means $2 for a ringtone. If I want to use a song in my iTunes which is not purchased from iTMS then sorry, I can’t use it as a ringtone. Let’s take my example, I like the first 10 second of the song “Gangstar – Ya ali” which I have cut & I use it as a ring tone in my K750i but now with iPhone I must use the ringtones Apple wants me to use. r8….limiting choices never looked better to Macboys. Apple thinks different way to extort money.

Hey Apple, like I mentioned before. I use my sister’s voice as her ringtone in my K750i; can I do that in iPhone? Nope….a simple thing I can’t do.

New iPod nano. 4 GB for $149: Yawn, I would rather prefer Creative Zen over this due to compatibility with many more audio & video formats, compatibility with any OS out there. What’s the difference anymore? They both have same dimension, Zen has 2.5” screen over iPod Nano’s 2” screen & guess what, I can simply copy the HD rip of Heroes in Zen & it will play fine. No need to convert. So long iPod nano……your days are over today. All we need is some cleaver marketing from Creative & Cowen now to kill iPod Nano. Its good, it got iPod brand name…but that’s it. Creative Zen is better oh & guess what, if you need a unified media player for syncing files, WMP 11 FTW :D

iPod Touch…hmm, it was evident. What does it brings new? A big touch screen based UI? Cowen D2 anyone? With 100% more format support & full WMP11 integration. Sure iPod Touch looks cool…just look at the UI it looks so cool..but where is the functionality? I have to say…iPod touch Is what iPhone should have been, & iPhone should have never existed. Now I hope Arya won’t say that iPod touch is the first one to feature WiFi, it was Zune :D One good thing is that you can buy songs in iPod touch using WiFi but can we share Audio files to other iPod Touch users like we can in Zune? Keep in mind that if u share a DRM protected file from Zune to Zune you can only play it for 3 times or 3 days. But non-DRM files are not affected like this, they can play as much as u like.

BTW, what will happen to poor 'ol Zoony now? Does anyone even remember that thing? LOL :lol:
All it needs is a free firmware upgrade to beat the crap out of any iPod other then Touch.

Zune 2 anyone? W960i maybe the best damn multimedia phone)


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

new zunes coming soon but i think apple has beaten ms this time again ... unles offcourse the zunes are touch screens


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

@aayush: Since my apple store is very quick at getting new apple products, I guess i'm gonna be touching a multi-touch screen sooner than you!!! Boohoo!
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