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The new MacBook!

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Beyond Smart
One question: Is it mandatory to use Apple remote for FrontRow (and other things) ? Is it possible to, like, make normal IR Remotes work on my MacBook ?


 Macboy
@Azeem: You are a lost cause. Anyway, have you tried Aperture or Lightroom for management? If iPhoto doesn't satisfy your needs, those two definitely will.

@Pat: I guess those universal remotes will, but why would you? There are specialised remotes available though (Keyspan being one of them) that work with the Mac IR.


I draw every day
@azeem are you kidding me? Bridge for photo management? Like Goobimama said.. Aperture or Lightroom 2 all the way! But It sucks really that neither have as good a support for geotagging as iphoto 09.

Right now, my workflow involves with tagging each photo with Canada>Ontario>oakville>College/home/etc.. and then I use a plugin to geotag the photos so that they show up on the map in flickr. But Can't do anything with them inside of lightroom itself. I also tag each person's name manually in a photo.

iPhoto 09 will change all that. And I can't wait to get my hands on that software!


 MacManiac
@Milind, yash,
I've tried Aperture, its really great but on a 13 inch screen, it looks like its been hammered from both sides to fit in. Just have a look at Aperture on a 13 inch MacBook, everything looks so small. May be customizing the workspace may do the trick but I haven't tried that and more over Bridge gets installed with PS. I haven't tried Lightroom and I'll let you know once I try it.


Boom Boom Boom
^^ Seriously, Bridge is disgusting. I've used it on a PC and it just doesn't suit my taste.
I don't see why iPhoto can't do what you want it to do. It's awesome!


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
Just today i noticed that the calendar icon in my iPod showed the actual date! Wondered for a moment, why does Apple give this level of attention to small things? There are other overlooked areas where attention is required.
I wouldnt mind the calendar icon feature being absent.. :lol: Anyways.


You gave been GXified
Seems like none of you know how to use Adobe Bridge properly for Image Management. It is one really heavy application & relies on external Adobe application for editing, this is the only reason I am still using ACDSee, but if you use Adobe Bridge the way it should be used for Image Management, trust me you will leave iPhoto 50% easily.


 Macboy
Tell me Gx, apart from Bridge sucking by itself, how am I supposed to get my photos in my systemwide media library, front row, iPhone, MM web gallery. Bridge is useful for storing stock photography, graphics, and textures since you want to use them with Adobe applications. When it comes to personal snaps, there's nothing like using iPhoto.

I'm not saying iPhoto should be used for professional uses, no way. For that there's Lightroom or Aperture. But not Bridge.


I draw every day
Exactly. even professional photographers don't use Bridge as their primary photo management/cataloging application.

@gxsaurav have you ever seen a single episode of photoshopuserTV?


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
If somebody has been curious all the time, I did not get the white macbook I was looking for. My dad did not give that kinda money.. :(
:x :neutral:
Actually what happened is, my dad said, 'go and spend some more!'.. So I got the unibody aluminum one. 2.0 GHz one. :D


Beyond Smart
If somebody has been curious all the time, I did not get the white macbook I was looking for. My dad did not give that kinda money.. :(
:x :neutral:
Actually what happened is, my dad said, 'go and spend some more!'.. So I got the unibody aluminum one. 2.0 GHz one. :D

Congrats man..You now have one of the best notebooks in the world (apart from having one of the best dads in the world ;) )
Welcome to the Club :)


 Macboy
@IronMan: You are a very lucky guy. Actually, I'm the lucky one. For you would have definitely killed me if you had bought the white MacBook now. Especially when this has arrived.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
I went to katmandu via flight to get the mac. We had a nice infotech fair going out here. And things were at discounted prices. Though yeah, the flight fare did add up, the price was good enough.

One dealer offered me the Macbook for 1,20,000 which comes to exactly 75k Indian currency. (factor of 1.6)
Other dealer there had it for 1,25,000!

My dealer imported Macs from singapore. They offered me 2year warranty on everything (mac, battery, adapter). Apple does not have such a plan, I'm thinking the warranty is handled locally. Good enough..

The 2.4ghz 250 gb illuminated keyboard one was priced at 1,44,000 which comes to 90,000k indian. With 2yr warranty, its even better than at Apple's Indian stores.

The white macbook was a good buy at 92,000 but not from my dealer.
I've been thinking all the while I should've bought it. It really looked great!! And it doesn't look fat even when the new one is at its side..

Then I thought about the unibody enclosure, 2gb DDR3 ram, 9400m graphics and the fact that my dealer had 2yr warranty plan and made my mind, it was all impulsive..

It was easy sailing, I did not even notice it had a manual!
I installed windows vista and it runs okay. The trackpad drivers suck though.

I expected better graphics performance than what it has actually shown. Still the games other than ones like Crysis run pretty well. Just played NFS Underground ar mid settings and it looks gorgeous!
Crysis warhead runs at minimum+ at native resolution.

I bought a Logitech Alto Express notebook stand along with Logitech Keyboard and Mouse. The mouse sucks in Mac OS but it runs good in Vista. At small distances and low speed, mouse gets erratic, but runs fine when you use it quick/fast. Why? It says it supports Macs too.

I have got fairly used to the OS, and learned a couple of commands. A lot of power lies in the keyboard shortcuts. And you need the keyboard more than you do in Windows.
I'll perhaps uninstall windows soon, otherwise I won't be able to learn the Mac way.
I need a good mouse that works flawlessly but the Mighty mouse is a tad expensive. This is severly hampering my experience..

I also got a USB hub as there are only
2 ports which is too less and they removed firewire! At least an extra port would do some justice..

I so far have nothing installed other than the preinstalled bundle and this crazy accounting app called Squirell.
Can you guys give me a list of must-have free apos I should install?
I know a handful;
- quicksilver
- neoffice/openoffice
- VirtualBox


@jamesbond007. This is my only thing that someone could be jealous of.. And my only Big purchase for years maybe?

@Pat. The dad part touched me.. :)

@goobimama. Can you help me with the apps?


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
^ Um.. there are a couple of queries in my previous post itself..

1. What would happen if I try to insert a small size cd/dvd into the slot-loading drive?
2. I recently got a CDMA R-UIM card for internet. I need an modem/adapter which connects to USB port and allows me to use the internet via the cdma network. All in Mac OSX. Any help here?


 MacManiac
1) Don't do it!! I inserted a small DVD of my camcorder once and I had to perform a Bypass surgery to eject it!!

2) Internet with mobiles is definitely possible on Mac but as I haven't tried it I have no I idea. If I weren't busy I'd have definitely googled for you. Other guys here know the solution..


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
^ thanks

Actually I want a USB CDMA Modem. Thats it. We get many of those for PCs. But I doubt they have Mac drivers.

Few more.

1) My Logitech mouse isnt working well on Mac OS X. I have said in earlier posts about its erracticness. And it is fine on Windows.

2) My 1 GB microSD Memory card has gone corrupt. The Mac says it does not recognise it. My mobile says it needs to be reformatted. But I have important data out there. How do I try to recover my data from the Mac? Any free software?

3) In iTunes, you have to authorize computers so that you can use downloaded content on it. I authorised my Windows PC. Now I reformatted it. When I installed iTunes and signed in, and authorised again, one authorisation was already gone. How do I deauthorise the previous Windows PC installation now? Its the same PC, and one authorisation gone in vain. I have only 2 remaining. :neutral:

4) Umm. I need some games. Names of free as well as paid games for a Mac?


 Macboy
1. Try SteerMouse. You might not be used to the OS X mouse acceleration.
2. Don't know about free software, but data recovery apps are there.
3. Once all five are filled up, you can deauthorize them all. Until that happens you can't remote deauthorize.
4. Frenzic? There aren't many 3D games for the Mac. Call of Duty and a few others come to mind.
5. iWork. Things. EventBox. CoverSutra (free for today!). Of course, you need to let us know what you want to do, and only then can we recommend stuff.

6) Most USB stick based CDMA modems work with OS X. It's not the simplest way, but it's possible. Not sure what you have though.
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