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The new MacBook!

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 Macboy
Net connection seems stable. No disconnections for 1 hour. Fires up mail, and does the sync thing. Ten minutes later...

Finally! I get to use Mail the way it was meant to be! IMAP is awesome! Works really well with the iPhone (although I don't think the emails are transferred on syncing eh?). To infinity, and beyond. Now, I will start looking clearly.


I draw every day
no, emails are downloaded via wifi/network on the ipod touch/iphone mail aplication.
@aryayush... ok, skype and lightroom.


I draw every day
Remember when I told azeem how to organize albums in itunes? well, it doesn't seem to work for me on this particular album. I have almost all the settings the same. Any guesses what the problem might be? *

I also checked the file location, and they are all in the same folder. which means itunes KNOWS they are all part of same album.

I created a new itunes library and imported the same files in it and this time, everything is working fine...
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 MacManiac
I google it. wikipedia page for some movies lists the songs and artists.. IMDB and musicindiaonline also have good info. but i usually crossreference them before entering in my library.

Wikipedia, IMDB and the respective movie site is what I generally use for tagging, but its painful you know, hence I had this wild imagination that there must be a site with metadata for all the Hindi Movie songs. Thanks anyways!!

As for those profiles thing, I am a bit paranoid when it comes to disclosing personal info on sites. Many of you may not find it a big deal but I hate the idea that someone can get my details from a site. But if anyone is making his personal address book or something like that and want to have my details, I'll happily do it...

Name : Mohammad Azeemuddin
Age : 25
Location : Nalgonda
Mac : MacBook
Favorite Apple app : QuickSilver, Transmissions
iPhone : No.
iPod : No. Owned iPod Classic for a very long time though.
Other Apple Stuff : None
Apple Stuff I like to own : Mac Pro ( like in I am legend ), Time Capsule and
Cinema Display
Twitter : have one but don't remember and don't use it !!
Favorite Movies : The Matrix, Fight Club, Forrest Gump
Favorite Actress : Charlize Theron, Jessica Alba, Drew Barrymore

Sorry, but I thought the last two are very important I guess..


 Macboy
^^ Dude! You forgot about Anna Kornikova?

A couple of spaces tricks (picked up from here and there of course)

Bring all windows into Space 1: Invoke the spaces view (F8) and then press C to bring all the windows into Space 1. Pressing C again puts them back where they came from in case you hit c by accident.

See all windows in all spaces: Press F8 and then press F9 to invoke Expose while in Spaces view. Looks pretty cool if you have couple of videos playing in different spaces.

Make Finder appear in all spaces: The is not in the applications folder. Which means that if you don't make it appear in "Every Space", then if you have a Finder window open in Space 1, and you click outside of another app in space 1, you are taken to Space 2 instead of focussing on the desktop. Very irritating.
But the is located in /System/Library/CoreServices. Just add the and make it appear in "Every Space". No more bother.

Adding apps to spaces: Sure you can click on the "+" button and add your apps. But a cooler way is to open up your Spaces pref pane as well as your applications window, and then just drag your apps into the spaces icons in your preference pane. Really fast.

Change delay for dragging windows between spaces:
Open up terminal > Type in defaults write workspaces-edge-delay -float 0.5. The bolded number is your delay in seconds. default is 0.75.
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Name: Dinesh Nandoskar.
Age: 36 yrs.
Location: Nerul-Navi Mumbai(moving to seawoods soon), Algeria.
Mac: 15" MBP - latest in the community(enjoying multitouch tracpad).
Favorite Apple app: itunes, (Yet to explore others).
iPhone: No
iPod: 80GB classic(previous release)
Other apple stuff: None
Apple stuff I'd like to own:iphone,ipod touch(atleast 64GB),time capsule,iMac20"(soon when I move to new flat)
Twitter: Whats that?


 Macboy
The guys who make visualhub are crazy! You click the advanced settings and this is what you get. :D



Aspiring Novelist
LOL! That's awesome. :D

Those Spaces tips might be helpful to others. I knew all of those. Good post though. Always appreciated and all. :p


WOW! The profiles are looking really cool. We're a bunch of elitists. :D

Where's Preshit?


 Macboy
@aayush: just trying to keep some mac info going around in the thread.


Awesome iPhone app. Maps offline. It caches all the maps you visit so they show when you don't have a net connection.


Another Brick in the Wall
The new Skitch sucks naa? With the "Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch" thing nagging. I had to use the URL and not use their copy code thing.


 Macboy
yep. The new snitch does indeed suck. But I guess they are just hinting about it finally going out of beta. Pretty sure they are going to charge soon.


The Devil's Advocate
grudgy ask the admins to edit/remove the poll from the db directly :) its kinda killing the 'eliteness' of the thread


 Macboy
Another awesome app for the iPhone. iSplit. Let's you split a bill among four people (get it? This app for designed for the popats!). Definitely staying on my home screen.


 Macboy
When did my siggy change! Being a geek is indeed so much fun. Must have been that darn Small Cat trying to freak out people.



infact i named my new personal blog as beingageek .com :lol: hehe but i'm no loser :p

btw its not yet online :p will work on it after my gdpi :(


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