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The new MacBook!

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ex3n1us m4x1mus
I have to make a presentation of photos of 50 ugly looking males and females each with some text on them.
What would be the preferred app to do this ?


Another Brick in the Wall
How about Skitch and PhotoPresenter?


Skitch for adding names and PhotoPresenter for presenting...


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Guys I know there is something called VNC but which one to choose, VNC Viewer, JollysFastVNC, XVNC or anyother thing ???
Enable Remote desktop is your windows system and then install Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac on your mac . after installing you can connect to the window system using its IP/System name.


 Macboy
The best way to control iTunes, IMHO, is to use either of the many applications available (Butler, GimmeSomeTune, Quicksilver, etc.) to set a systemwide shortcut for Play/Pause (I have set it to ⌘⌤). Now just hit it anytime you want and iTunes will Play/Pause irrespective of whichever app is in the foreground and whether or not iTunes is launched. It's just the perfect solution for me.

Also, in case you've forgotten, you can set iTunes to remain on top of all other windows in the mini mode. I really don't see the need for Coversutra and all other similar applications.

Yes. I did use quicksilver to play music and Synergy to control it. But Coversutra has a lot of style. It also has a big list of hotkeys so you can control via keyboard. The best is the music search. It looks really really slick. I also like the album cover placed on the desktop. Just give it a try if you haven't.


 MacManiac

RDC is good but it has one problem that only one user can be logged in at a time. I mean when someone is logged on the laptop, I will not be able to connect to it and if I do that someone will be logged out!!
I want a setup similar to LogMeIn (not using it because it requires internet), but without internet and only within Lan


You gave been GXified
^^^ If you were on Windows, we could have suggested UltraVNC, isn't there something similar for Mac OS?


 Macboy
I visited my printer when I was in Pune. I had known that they used Macs for doing their work and such. I thought it would be an old G3 eMac kind of thing. But little did I know that I would find three PowerMac G5s ;). Twas cool. There were PCs as well, but all the big jobs were carried out on the Macs. A pity that they had only 19" CRTs attached to those beasts though. Also, they were running Panther :-o ! The reason why they couldn't get Adobe CS3 working on them (my indesign files always created problems there). I've been given the job of getting their machines up to date :)

Another thing. The machines had been working the whole day doing all kinds of stuff, but when I touched it, the aluminum enclosure was ice cold! The thing was also freakishly silent for such a powerful machine.

I've seen the Mac Pro/PowerMac before, but only in the apple store. Seeing it being used in a real workshop was a different trip altogether.


I draw every day
I am really frustrated with using a laptop as my main machine. the ergonomics of a laptop on a table are really really wrong. I think Its about time I got a proper desktop computer.

I've been experiencing a lot of neck strain and back strain lately. because i have to hunch or look down to see the screen. if I had a desktop, the screen would be at eye level.

none of you realize this? or even think about it?
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