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The new MacBook!

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 Macboy
@spinny: Do you have the Leopard BETA installed currently? I'm not familiar with build numbers and such. Also, did you try to 'upgrade' or 'clean install'. (Or did it not even get to the install menu?)


left this forum longback
@spironox:kernel panic!and the backtrace is worth zero clues :D
I think,this can be a case of apm vs acpi bug!check ur bios and disable apm.

also,use IRC for online help ontime :) below is the OS X chatroom:

#macosx -use any IRC client like pidgin or firefox chatzilla and talk with mac community for direct help!


 MacManiac
Guys I am back!!!
Bro's Wedding was great!! I had to empty my room for guests (infact our house was emptied) and so I was not online for these days. I first thing I did once I got online ....... well, checked this page!!!

So I guess I didn't miss much!!

* : This one your ??? Movie Reviews section looks intresting, me movie fan too but I was Hollywood movies mostly ( like 9 out of 10 are English ). You'll soon see me there !!!

Still on Tiget :-(
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Calling all Mac users:

This is for a comparison I intend to do between Mac, Win and Lin when it comes to gaming:

If you use Mac, Win and Lin on the same machine, can you please download the game Urban Terror (4.1 version), which runs on the now OSS Quake 3 engine with much better graphics and run it on all 3 OSes ?(the Zip file download is awssome. The same game has 3 executables. Each for a different OS. The executable is small, and the same save file is used for all OSes. The Other files are same. An awssome idea to make a game multiplatform.)

Please note the Rig, FPS, Map on all OSes(the rig and Map must be same). Use FAT32 for all OSes, then use the native recomended file system. Its just a small review request I ask you.

The system settings, your Game Rig, Map, player model, etc and everything possible must be same.

Any Body willing to help ?

Edit: Download link Here: *


Another Brick in the Wall
Any one tried Skitch here? It's sort of cool. I can add the bling to the images I post in my blog.



Booting Nicotine!!
i am using the beta version and i tried upgrading the OS
so i had booted from the DVD

btw how do i disable APM???


left this forum longback
@spironox: I googled for some solution for you:


Aspiring Novelist
I think your Mac's specifications may be below the minimum system requirements.

how you play any other formats not supported by Quick Time???
Install Perian and Microsoft Windows Media Components for QuickTime and you're good to go. Almost every media file you'll ever come across will play with QuickTime Player.

All you iTunesers, a must check out App, Coversutra.
The best way to control iTunes, IMHO, is to use either of the many applications available (Butler, GimmeSomeTune, Quicksilver, etc.) to set a systemwide shortcut for Play/Pause (I have set it to ⌘⌤). Now just hit it anytime you want and iTunes will Play/Pause irrespective of whichever app is in the foreground and whether or not iTunes is launched. It's just the perfect solution for me.

Also, in case you've forgotten, you can set iTunes to remain on top of all other windows in the mini mode. I really don't see the need for Coversutra and all other similar applications.

Does anyone use Twitterific here ?
I just use iChat. Works for me.

Also, where has our Mac Genius gone ?
I had gone to attend my brother's wedding in New Delhi. Back now. :)


Over the course of my last few days away from my Mac and the Internet, I achieved two new honors. TUAW linked to one of my posts on MacUser and my latest column on Apple Matters is headline news on MacSurfer right now. :D Below is a screenshot:

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 MacManiac
Earlier someone has suggested Baseline on this thread. After using it for 2 days I second that thought. Guys use Baseline. We all know that Mac OS does seem to have a bug that doesn't give us accurate disk usage, now with Baseline one gets the accurate disk usage. .trash is something that keeps increasing as we free up our disk, so in a way disk actually doesn't free it only grows!! After scanning the disk with Baseline one can know exactly how much junk .trash has gained, just delete the junk in .trash in Baseline and you have all the free space you need.

It seems to me that pressing cmd + del also doesn't delete a file from harddisk. I thought it was like shift + Del in Windows, but .trash seems to retain even those filed deleted by pressing cmd + del !!!


Aspiring Novelist
⌘⌫ is just the shortcut for the 'Move to Trash' feature. It is not supposed to permanently delete files. :)

Does anyone know the range of AirPort Extreme/Time Capsule? Will it work within a radius of 200 metres?


Does anyone know how to compile C++ programs on Mac OS X? One of my friends in enrolled in a software programming course and he has a Mac. He wants to avoid booting into Windows.
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Aspiring Novelist
Office 2008 for Mac boasts inexcusably ugly clipart graphics

Panic launches the Coda Developer Zone

iPhonesque: Growl style inspired by the iPhone

You guys get XCode with leopard rite?
It can compile C/C++/Java AFAIK
Yeah, but it is overkill. He does not know head or tail about it and couldn't figure out how to use it for basic compilation of C++ programs.
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Aspiring Novelist

[OFFTOPIC] An evening with the glitterati. [/OFF-TOPIC]


Booting Nicotine!!

"I think your Mac's specifications may be below the minimum system requirements."

naah i dont think so can u do me a favour by posting this request for soultion at other places that u think can help for a solution...
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