Re: Macworld Conference and Expo 2008
Let's see now....
Apple TV Take 2, seems like a copy of Slingbox to me. Too bad it won't stream to Windows Mobile or Symbian OS or Blackbarry device....Apple TV Take 2 is still behind sling box which works with anything & not just Apple. But still good enough for those who want to stay in Apple world.
Time Capsule...doesn't that sounds like NAS.????? Kudos to Apple for creating such a slim & good "hardware" though, which is all I hail Johny Ive for.
El Jobso said:
"One with a 500GB drive, one with a 1TB drive inside it -- $299, and $499. Very aggressive prices because we want people backing up! Ships in Feb." Mild applause
Wait, I thought Jobs said "Mac don't crash, they don't have virus", they why worry about backing up * Oh! it's just another product Apple wants to sale now...*
El Jobso said:
"You know have the ability to find your current location in maps. Webclips, right on the home screen. Up to 9 total home screen. SMS multiple people at once."
So...Apple is now officially giving those feature which they skipped last time saying "People don't need these", which were already available from 3rd party apps. So, Apple is just copying from the innovation of 3rd Party apps & saying "It's Apple's innovation"
Google Maps like GPS in iPhone. Hmm...I am using this on my K750i already using Google Maps java app, but still...better late then never.
Customising the Home screen, dragging icons...hmm summerbord hack anyone.
They want people to pay for simple features now which should be given by free upgrade * Apple can find such innovative way to extort money.
The only hardware worth notcing was Macbook Air, which totally pwned Arya's prediction that Apple won't release comes without an Optical Drive, but that can be sacrifesed, as we usually don't need optical drives that much. Multitouch keypad is awsome...* Oh & seems like it has no user replaceable battery.
Mac platform is not Windows, Mac users like to pay for tv shows or buy movies off iTunes paying high money or downloading via torrent instead of watching from Physical DVDs. Most of the Apple application & software can be bought online & then can be downloaded, so skipping an Optical Drive won't affect the Mac platform, but comon....$99 for an external DVD writer that too 8X,*, external DVD drives cost $60 on newegg...Apple really knows innovative ways to extort money. Hey Apple, how do I install Leopard back in case I have to. I don't have an optical drive.
Now if you have an external Harddisk of 100 or more GB then obviously you won't miss the optical drive. Remote Disc is nothing but a CD drive shared on the network either wireless or Wired. It was available on computer since ages.