The official iPhone thread

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You gave been GXified
^^^ Did you tried it? I tried connecting it to a Centrino Laptop which was running Vista Home Premium. Just enabled WiFi in N95 & in Vista I clicked to automatically search for network devices, it detected the name automatically....file sharing was disabled but net was working


 Macboy
I wasn't holding the phone in my hand at the time, but my friend had just bought an N95, and we had gone to a free Wi-Fi hotspot to check it out. It seemed to be quite a procedure to get it working...took him at least 15 minutes to get the internet to work. I was on my iBook, which just popped the message "Use this network?". Click yes. Done.


King of my own Castle
I dont know much with other mobiles but with my O2 Mini S with my Windows Mobile 6 loaded, it shows up all the Wi-Fi networks and asks to select one.Once selected browsing is a piece of cake.Have been basking in free networks since long.
Yes , If i missed my stat here, here one goes from me to.
iPhone sucks.
No bashing there. Just petite common sense there.
Of all, i had kept aside money to lay my hands on one.And now that its released I am not touching it with a 10 foot pole.
If certainly is no revolution where the basic feature are not there.
The keyboard part, i always knew it was going to be the dent in the armor.
There is no replacing the actual sliding full QWERT keyboard and now that i use it always.


Aspiring Novelist
goobimama said:
I wasn't holding the phone in my hand at the time, but my friend had just bought an N95, and we had gone to a free Wi-Fi hotspot to check it out. It seemed to be quite a procedure to get it working...took him at least 15 minutes to get the internet to work. I was on my iBook, which just popped the message "Use this network?". Click yes. Done.
Ditto happens on the iPhone. And from the next time onwards, it joins that network automatically. But who cares for all that ****. Just pack in as many features as possible. Who gives a **** for how well implemented the features are anyway!

It does have some pretty painful limitations that Apple should remove ASAP. Sending files over Bluetooth is not allowed!! That sucks. And they purposely designed the headset jack in such a way that standard headphones don't fit properly and people are forced to pay for additional accessories. When they do stuff like this, it really does drive one up the wall. Idiots! :mad:


You gave been GXified
:shock: Yeah main kya dekh raha haun, Salesman, I mean arya is pissed off at Apple. arya, just look at the UI it looks so cool.

aryayush said:
Ditto happens on the iPhone.

How do u know? Source plz

And from the next time onwards, it joins that network automatically. But who cares for all that ****. Just pack in as many features as possible. Who gives a **** for how well implemented the features are anyway!

Lolz...someone did not had the novelty to use N95 for 4 days, right :D. Go use it, will sure be an eye opener for u.

WiFi in iPhone is same as N95 or W960i. It connects to a network, remembers it, & automatic connecting to the network next time is a bit risky if you know. Thats why Symbian/SE phones ask for user permission

arya said:
It does have some pretty painful limitations that Apple should remove ASAP. Sending files over Bluetooth is not allowed!! That sucks. And they purposely designed the headset jack in such a way that standard headphones don't fit properly and people are forced to pay for additional accessories. When they do stuff like this, it really does drive one up the wall. Idiots! :mad:

No, you can't be arya. Your password is hacked by some Windows user :D. you cannot say the truth about Apple. Hey, wasn't it you who were marketing iPhone in this forum from Day.....Just look at the UI, it looks so cool :D

Ah, the iPhone OS & firmware is on the internet now, lets the hacking begin.

iHope they bring the iFeatures El Jobso removed from iPhone.

This also in....just got the iPhone ringtone & unlike iPhone, I can use any mp3 ringtone in my K750i :D

Arya, you can do the same on your current battery sucking Nokia 6300 :p. Want it?
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You gave been GXified
This just in, After the recent hack of the iPhone firmware, the iPhone CPU is found. It is a 620 MHz ARM CPU (probabely made by Intel)

Engadget said:
Looks like today's morning's firmware leak turned up some well hidden details about the iPhone's hardware engine -- and also confirming some reports we'd previously received. From what we can tell, it looks like the iPhone's got a 620MHz ARM chip running under the hood. Specifics:
  • ARM1176JZF chip with TrustZone (enables trusted computing environment for media, apps, network, OS, etc. -- very bad for hackers)
  • Comes in 620 and 320MHz varieties -- no way the iPhone would be on 320MHz
  • ARM Intelligent Energy Manager (claimed to reduce power consumption 25-50% in portables)
  • 16K / 16K cache
  • Features vector floating point coprocessor ("for embedded 3D-graphics")
  • ARM Jazelle enabled for embedded Java execution (hmm...)
  • SIMD, high perf integer CPU (8-stage pipeline, 675 Dhrystone, 2.1 MIPS)
  • 0.45 mW/MHz power draw (with cache)
Whatever it is Apple's got that thing doing, they're doing it right. Thus far our iPhone battery life tests have far exceeded expectations (more on that soon).

I was wondering now, why did Jobs removed JAVA MIDP 2 from iPhone saying that JAVA is slow & no one uses it. I looked at the ARM CPU specification iPhone uses & this CPU has dedicated architecture for JAVA means JAVA works at really high speed on this CPU not slow. HTC, Samsung also uses same ARM CPUs in there PDA. If a JAVA app crashes, only that instance of JVM crashes & not the whole phone.

Oh! I forgot, its the Mac way of locking things so that you only buy hardware or software upgrades by paying a lot of money to Apple. Another very innovative way for Apple to extort money :D. First iPhone doesn't gives basic features, then in 2 or 3 months, we will have iPhone OS upgrade for only $130 giving features like MMS, or Video recording which should have been there since day 1.
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Aspiring Novelist
It is not even on the cards. No one has ever hinted about any such possibility and Steve Jobs explicitly said in the shareholder's meeting that they would "surprise" iPhone owners with free software upgrades that would add new features. You are just pulling stuff right out of you-know-where, as is usual with you.

And GOD, I beg you SJ, please please don't add JAVA to it! Nothing sucks more than JAVA applications do.

sam_1710 said:
Wat 2 Do With the iPhone While Waiting for its online activation 2 complete.. :lol:
LOL! That's funny. :lol:

But what I noted is that when you wish to, it is very easy to use the iPhone with just one hand. Awesome! This is something that should have been advertised.
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Broken In
gx_saurav said:
This just in, After the recent hack of the iPhone firmware, the iPhone CPU is found. It is a 620 MHz ARM CPU (probabely made by Intel)
I was wondering now, why did Jobs removed JAVA MIDP 2 from iPhone saying that JAVA is slow & no one uses it. I looked at the ARM CPU specification iPhone uses & this CPU has dedicated architecture for JAVA means JAVA works at really high speed on this CPU not slow. HTC, Samsung also uses same ARM CPUs in there PDA. If a JAVA app crashes, only that instance of JVM crashes & not the whole phone.
The processor is a S3C600 , an ARM-11 based core.I always assumed that a Pxa320 would be powering the iPhone.I have worked with the previous versions of the Samsung Arm9 series and always found it lacking against the Pxa270 series anyways Pxa seried monopoly was going for a long time now and thus happy to see some competion to that family.
Anyways comming back to the Java support and a few corrections here.

a)The Cpu is not dedicated for Java, it just has java byte code support as a Co-Processor,Just like MMU,Video accelerator...etc.

b)Not all the Java byte codes are implemented in the H/W (around 40% only if I my memory is proper), after all this is a RISC processor afterall :) .The remaining should be Emulated in S/W, in this case the JVM.

c)Just because the processor has Java byte code support does not mean that here would be native support and vice versa, for example Windows Mobile has JVM but Wince does not have JVM.Best of my knowledge PXA270 processor by itself does not have Jazelle but devices based on PXA270 has Java support.

d)Having Java support in the H/W actually makes it difficult to support it in S/W (funny to hear , trust me I know) since the JVM has to be ported to this OS and the hardware.Then again not a impossible task but considering the cost of the iPhone this should have been supported.

These are my observations on the H/W of the iPhone

a) I would have personally prefered the Pxa320 but last I heared it had its won yeild issues, but as far as bench marks goes the 320 was twice faster than a competing ARM-11 based on Freescale.

b)The Motherboard looks S%%Y, but I worry about the power consumption.

c)The Nand flash is a very popular IC which will be used in many future phones since these chips have the capablity to boot directly from the Nand Flash.

d)Not disk on chip or anything to increase the speed. (ie) due to preformance issues in reading from the flash , we generally copy the os (our case Wince) to RAM during bootup and make it Run from there since XIP (execute in place ie from the Flash IC itself is a very slow option).In phone's case (OS-X) being ~700 MB (from what I heard) this is not an option, and thus I expect there to be a performance hit due to the Flash, also do remember there will also be a performance hit because of a WriteBack cache policy (Writethrough can be used for RAM).I also am intresed in knowing in the type of Virtual memory model model they use which will give a lot of clues on the expected performance of the applications.
In all a very well designed H/W but nothing out of the ordinary which current phones does not have or future phones cannot have.

Added later--Sorry for that.
The camera sucks, it really does, the iPhones camera should be called as "Camera for Dummies", No White balancing,No selection of different resolutions,No Red Eye reduction,Video looks like a Kodak KB10 camera.
No wonder actually, MS had a horrible time porting the Dierct Show framework( The Image Sink Fliter part) for windows Mobile right from Ce 3.0 and it sucks till Ce 5.0. Only in CE 6.0 the pipeline and graphs are implemented to an extent that it can start competing with the Sonly likes.Part of the horrible camera could also deal with the fact the Camera Interface in the samsung processor ( this not USB like PC) is not as good as those available for the Pxa family (called as Quick capture interface).The Camera pipeline needs to improve and improve fast.
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Tribal Boy
Small correction

gx_saurav said:
The mobile version of OS X or whatever it is the iPhone runs takes up 700MB of the device's capacity. Damn son!

Your 'source' updated their page => "we think Pogue got this wrong, we don't really know exactly how much space mobile OS X uses, but it's nowhere near 700MB."


You gave been GXified
Thanx din. I just posted what I saw :)

The firmware available on the net is 96 MB Zip

@ Aceman

If my 2 years old K750i can support JAVA, then yes, iPhone should have supported it too.

One thing u r forgetting that iPhone CPU has the ability to do quite some amount of number crunching (in mobile scenario). JAVA performance with such CPU would have been better then that of w960i at least. Even W960i not using ARM.

Apple makes there own version of JAVA (Read: compile) for Mac OS X, they could have done the same for iPhone. But they did not. The only explanation (valid) i can think of is that by doing this Apple would have lost control on the device. JAVA for mobile phones is superb technology.

What SE, Nokia, & HTC, O2 need is the nVidia Geforce 6100 Mobile GPU (nVidiot here :D). That GPU has quite some potential. Hardware acceleration of h.264 video & mp4 audio, 5 MP + Camera, dedicated memory.....(used in W810i) this is the GPU to use in any high end phone.

Oh & it can play Doom 1 too :D
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Aspiring Novelist
Why? What happened to the "research" you always advise others to do?

iPhone does not come with a dock or charger!!! :lol:


You gave been GXified

I just posted what I saw. I don't have a iPhone in my hands to check things.

The frist news I saw was that iPhone comes without any dock or charger so I posted. 2nd news I saw at anandtech that it comes with dock & charger so I posted that also.
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