The official iPhone thread

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The other one
aryayush said:
Biased my ass.

So, atleast you agree about that :D . Opps bad joke :D .

btw , this comes from Jobs internal note to the employees

Jobs apparently wrapped things up by messianically telling employees that they would "tell their grandchildren" that they were at Apple when the iPhone was launched and that it was, "worth the sacrifice".

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa . OMG :D

Just like American granpa's telling their kids "Your grand father faught the vietnaam war, and it was worth the sacrifice".
Dude, not hard to figure out where the 'ego' comes from.

Speaking of 'Sacrifice' , its on the part of the customers who are sacrificing basic features for 500/600$ . Rofl :D

(this board needs better smiley's)


You gave been GXified
This just in....

Judging by the comparision Helio provided between Ocean & iPhone, they mentioned that iPhone camera has no zoom or Flash in it. Hey, don't blame Apple, atleast it can take photos :D


:ROFL: Man, just look at the link I mentioned above & u will know why the salesman is not posting in this forum these days.

Oh & just to make the day of Salesman, Here is the Engadget gallery of iPhone UI

Salesman said:
Just look at the UI, it looks so cool



Aspiring Novelist
gx_saurav said:
This just in....

Judging by the comparision Helio provided between Ocean & iPhone, they mentioned that iPhone camera has no zoom or Flash in it. Hey, don't blame Apple, atleast it can take photos :D
Flash not being there is a drawback for those who care about what sort of a camera it has. Agreed.

But which phone in the world allows you to zoom into photos? Apart from that 10MP Samsung camera/phone. No phone allows you this.
Most phones allow you to do some digital zooming when you snap at lower resolutions but it completely spoils the photograph. I don't have much idea about the technical side of photography but even I know this basic stuff. Your K750i also won't let you zoom in when you are shooting at 2MP.

@Avatar, The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs is a humour blog that is not meant to be taken seriously and is certainly not a list of Apple's internal mails to employees. Since it is based on Apple, you won't understand anything about it so I suggest you stop visiting it.


I have Yolks not Brains!
aryayush said:
Flash not being there is a drawback for those who care about what sort of a camera it has. Agreed.

But which phone in the world allows you to zoom into photos? Apart from that 10MP Samsung camera/phone. No phone allows you this.
Most phones allow you to do some digital zooming when you snap at lower resolutions but it completely spoils the photograph. I don't have much idea about the technical side of photography but even I know this basic stuff. Your K750i also won't let you zoom in when you are shooting at 2MP.

You know what arya, you are really stupid and have no idea about the facts.
Matter of fact my walkman phone,w810i does both(so iexpect k750i too will do it). My phone allows me to zoom into snaps. And my phone also lets me in when I'm shooting at 2MP.

You yourself proved how weak you are at basics. Stay into salesmanship, so need to worry about features, cause iPhone don't have any


You gave been GXified
Quote said:
But which phone in the world allows you to zoom into photos?
Most phones allow you to do some digital zooming when you snap at lower resolutions but it completely spoils the photograph. I don't have much idea about the technical side of photography but even I know this basic stuff. Your K750i also won't let you zoom in when you are shooting at 2MP.

So? At least my K750i, or W810i or K790i or Kxxxi lets me zoom whether at 2 MP or .3 mp (vga). oh & since you don't know anything, another eye opener for u. If you are taking a pic at a resolution lower then the max then if u zoom, it will not tear or result in loss of quality. Go do some research first. The justification u gave in defense of iPhone is completely lame. Go drive or roam around the city etc with your phone as well as a Canon or Sony camera hanging around your neck :p

Eggman is right, you don't even know the basics. I wonder how u r working on Photoshop then? R U sure u work on Photoshop instead looking at the UI of Mac which looks so cool:D


Aspiring Novelist
I have a W550i with a 1.3MP camera and it does not allow me to zoom in the maximum size so I assumed other SE phones would behave in a similar manner.

In any case, unless the lens are movable (which is not true for any phone except for that Samsung one), all a phone can offer is digital zoom and ask anyone who has even the slightest idea about digital photography, you should never digitally zoom in on any photo. It is just as good as taking a photo in Photoshop and stretching it to increase its size. That ruins the picture. Digital zoom is just as good as not having zoom at all. In fact, it is worse because a lot of people do use digital zoom on cameras because they have no idea how it works and then end up with clearly pixelated photographs.


Loading . . . please d'nt
eggman said:
You know what arya, you are really stupid and have no idea about the facts.
Matter of fact my walkman phone,w810i does both(so iexpect k750i too will do it). My phone allows me to zoom into snaps. And my phone also lets me in when I'm shooting at 2MP.

You yourself proved how weak you are at basics. Stay into salesmanship, so need to worry about features, cause iPhone don't have any

i was just going to say the same thing..... my W810i does that.....

so why should not iphone do it too.... how can people pay 500$ for that stupid thing.....


You gave been GXified
aryayush said:
I have a W550i with a 1.3MP camera and it does not allow me to zoom in the maximum size so I assumed other SE phones would behave in a similar manner.

GX : Boy, do some research before you speak of anything.

In any case, unless the lens are movable (which is not true for any phone except for that Samsung one), all a phone can offer is digital zoom and ask anyone who has even the slightest idea about digital photography, you should never digitally zoom in on any photo. is very hard for me to resist laughing at your ......... din, bhai let me break the pledge :D

A 2 MP Camera takes pictures at resolution of 1632 X 1224 pixel. While VGA resolution of 640X480 is .3 mega pixel. If in my K750i or any other digi cam from canon or Sony, I chose to take a pic at a resolution lower then maximum resolution or at 640 X 480 then I can digital zoom as long as I m within the limit of 1632 X 1224. Doing this will not result in any quality loss because the lens is able to capture that much pixels anyway. Zooming beyond the maximum resolution pixel limit will result in quality loss.

In short, on my K750i, when I take a snap at 640 X 480, I zoom to a maximum of 2X which still keeps me within the 2 MP Limit for pixels.

So, you are wrong, when you say digital zoom always results in low quality. I think you should pay a visit to mobile section sticky of camera pics.


Aspiring Novelist
Exactly. This is exactly what I've been trying to say. The end result is still only as large and as close as it is in a normal 2MP picture. If you digitally zoom into anything more than what can be captured in those 1632x1224 pixels by the 2MP sensor, the picture quality will deteriorate severely.

A 640x480 picture zoomed into the maximum level allowed is the same as a 2MP picture cropped into those dimensions. How do you call that zooming in?

Zooming in means getting closer to the subject and that is impossible with a fixed lens. What other phones do is allow you to zoom in digitally (even though the picture pixelates and you don't get any closer to the subject) because it looks good on the spec sheet. They can boast that their camera has zoom and they don't give a damn that technophobes would actually use that zoom and end up with crappy pictures. Apple does not give you the option (nor do they pretend to) when it is not technically possible.


You gave been GXified
aryayush said:
A 640x480 picture zoomed into the maximum level allowed is the same as a 2MP picture cropped into those dimensions. How do you call that zooming in?
Do one thing, take 2 snaps using your 6300. One at 2 MP which later on u crop in Photoshop & then one at 640 X 480 with zoom, compare the quality :D It will really be an eye opener for u

Apple does not give you the option (nor do they pretend to) when it is not technically possible.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .....another lame explanation. Fellow members what you say about this statement. The most lame statement was given by arya which I suppose u all remembers

arya said:
More features != better

Arya, due to the demise of iPhone, now u have nothing to talk it seems & have started talking lame & stupid.

This just in. iPhone will not work under Windows XP & Vista 64bit edition.

Lets see, Windows XP 64bit edition was out there from few years, & Vista is out there since more then 6 months in RTM & more then that in beta & still Apple has no proper iTunes for Vista. talk about slow developement. I still remember there statement "Don't upgrade to vista else iPod won't work. This is fault of MS" :D
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Aspiring Novelist
gx_saurav said:
Do one thing, take 2 snaps using your 6300. One at 2 MP which later on u crop in Photoshop & then one at 640 X 480 with zoom, compare the quality :D It will really be an eye opener for u
The image I zoomed in at 480x640:

The one I clicked at 2MP and then cropped to 480x640:

Look how far the first image is zoomed in compared to the second one! :lol:
Apart from the little differences that are bound to be present between two shots, there is absolutely no difference between the two photos - and certainly no difference in the zoom level. Eye opener indeed!

These are basic stuff about digital photos that I thought everyone, at least on this forum, would know. I guess I was wrong.

gx_saurav said:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .....another lame explanation. Fellow members what you say about this statement. The most lame statement was given by arya which I suppose u all remembers
Go to any website dedicated to digital photography (dpreview is a good start) and the first thing they will advise you not to look for in a digital camera is digital zoom. Digital zoom only serves to ruin photographs. The first thing you should do when you buy a digital camera is turn digital zoom off forever, if possible. And the day camera manufacturers stop including that "feature" will be a happy day indeed.

gx_saurav said:
Arya, due to the demise of iPhone, now u have nothing to talk it seems & have started talking lame & stupid.
Do you have any idea what the word "demise" means, or do you use words as you wish to without any context whatsoever! o_O


You gave been GXified
:D I m sure Macboys will find a way to blame MS here too, here are some lines they might say

1) Who needs 4 GB RAM or more? Why release Vista 64bit when only a few people will use it. Leopard 64bit is ok, Mac is better :-"

2) Vista, can't Microsoft make it bakward compatible with all 32bit apps? Leopard will do this you know, its just that the apps will have multiple binaries resulting in huge size, but who cares for big file sizes.

I hope you know Demise here means, death of the ihype :D


lol.....its of course the iphone thread :D
but another name that would suit this thread is aryayush vs gx_saurav
kidding fellowss :)


You gave been GXified
Nah, I just can't stop laughing at his ignorance & lack of knowledge about anything in computers. He thinks PCs do not boot from USB drives etc :D

Anywaym, good night. Got AIMMAT tomorrow.


The other one
aryayush said:
@Avatar, The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs is a humour blog that is not meant to be taken seriously and is certainly not a list of Apple's internal mails to employees. Since it is based on Apple, you won't understand anything about it so I suggest you stop visiting it.

Trying to look smart and you end up stupid. This is what happened to you (many times). :rolleyes:

Who gives a f*ck about 'The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs ' I dont visit the idiotic fakesteve site because the real Steve Jobs is quite entertaining himself. Don't suggest me to visit a website or not , i am sure i have better choice of news/humor sources than you do.

And if you thought it came form some fakesteve (judging by the lameness of the statement) then let me tell you it came from the real one and this is the source. Now don't tell me that the statement suddenly sounds brilliant to you because it came from your Messiah.


You gave been GXified
This just in...iPhone doesn't work with most 3rd party headphones

As several tipsters have pointed out, the recessed iPhone headphone port means that a lot of third party headphones don't work properly: we've tested a few models already (you can see the current list after the break), but maybe you can help us out and let us know which models work / don't work in the comments -- and yes, if you have to press down on the jack to get both channels to play sound, we count that as not working. You'll need to buy a $19 "TTY Adapter" if you want most third party headphones to function correctly, which sounds like a great business plan to us: just break an important device function, and sell the solution for fun and profit. For now, one of the few third party 'phones that do work are the Zune headphones.

Only Apple can come up with a solution like this. First don't give features & break the product, then give features & charge money. I bet Apple will charge for iPhone OS updates for adding features like IM etc


The other one
iPhone: pottymouth friendly

Steve must have been a sailor in a former life, because it's been a while since we've seen a phone dictionary come preloaded with so many US swears. The iPhone even supports multiple forms of the mother of all curses -- truly, a versatile word for a versatile phone. Now go wash your mouth out with soap, mister.


Microsoft (hehe)

Does not support:



Ok sold , punks who don’t lay out sentences without cuss words will get iphone for sure now. :D . Finally something positive for iphone.

Also take a look at this if you missed
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