The official iPhone thread

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Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
charangk said:
Tutorial Coming up :D. Strangely imageshack was down and I wasnt able to upload images to any place also :( .
Use Flickr Man n you won't need any other image hosing site again(or atleast 5 years from now)


The Devil's Advocate
this just in ... no insurance on the iphone where as others do give insurance on the phone


You gave been GXified
Holy.......abe seriously, what did Apple innovated with iPhone? More ways to extort customers.


The Devil's Advocate
well thats wat my friend said just now ... hes in the us and told me he aint gonna buy the phone no matter what it has until there is insurance


You gave been GXified
This just in.....IM Comes to iPhone in the form of Trillian Astra

Those hankering to get your chat on with that shiny new iPhone now have an option other than waiting 'til who knows when for a (potential) Apple update -- if you're cool with alpha software invading your handset, that is. According to Cerulean Studios', the Trillian Astra application has actually been "designed for iPhone, it doesn't just happen to work with it." The result is a polished interface that is "compact" and fit to the screen, meaning that you won't be dragging and moving windows in order to hold a decent text-based conversation. Currently, the software updates your contact list and message windows, and enables the sending and receiving of messages so long as your browser window is open. Interested? Curb your enthusiasm a bit, sign up to be an alpha tester, and exercise your patience "for the next few weeks."

Its like giving someone in hell, a glass of cold water :D

Sukhdeep Singh
I was just checking prices of cellphones at * They are booking iPhones and i suddenly i noticed....there is no FM Radio on iPhone :shock: Really how stupid can they get ?



The Devil's Advocate
ya well thts coz steve jobs doesnt listen to fm ... and hence he wants his followers also shouldnt ... hence no fm in 5 genereations of the ipod and not in the iphone


You gave been GXified
Andy once told me, Zune will not be allowed in India, if it has FM :d

& I said "ok :-?,"

What the hell :D, abe FM tuner for Mobile phones cost Rs 40 to incorporate in phones, Nokia & SE are even using FM integrated in the phone module too.

Seriously, iPhone has no reason to buy it, but so many reasons not to buy it. You judge this by the point that even the salesman said he will buy iPhone 2.0 while he was preaching iPhone from the time it was unvailed in Jan. I wasen't wrong at that time when I said iPhone will be good as a PMP but pathetic as a phone, I am still saying this,,,,,& i m not wrong.


Make Way the LORD is Here
^^yes u r correct :D & leavin out the fanboys i dont think anyone else in a correct state of mind would buy this phone:)


 Macboy
leavin out the fanboys
Damn you! Now I can't even argue in a rational way for me wanting to buy this phone....:)

And On the 6th day, God created MANchester united

Wasn't it the second day that he created the chelSEA and ocean?
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Make Way the LORD is Here
goobimama said:
aah. My mistake. I was dancing around in glee for what I found... forgot the proper syntax..


nice article esp. the ending. check it out
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Aspiring Novelist
“My overall thought,” remarks Larry Magid (, “is that the iPhone’s software represents a truly remarkable accomplishment. Sure, the device’s ultra thin case and large 3.5 inch display are nice touches, but what really stands out is the user interface that can best be described as inspired.”

“A Quantum Leap.”
“On first inspection, Apple appears to have made a quantum leap in terms of mobile handset usability.” The iPhone, the staff writers at say, is “making the idea of the PDA sexy again,” offering “an elegant solution for the 21st Century handheld.” Enthusing over the onscreen keyboard, they write that “The iPhone keyboard is ‘intelligent’ in that it prevents and corrects mistyped words, a feature that’s bound to find favor with many. Find out more in our article: Why the iPhone keyboard rocks.”

“Apple’s Simple, Versatile iPhone Changes the Game”
“After all the ink that’s been spilled describing, previewing and hyping the Apple iPhone, does it deserve the attention? I’d have to say yes,” reports Ryan Kim (San Francisco Chronicle). “The lure of the iPhone is that it makes you want to use it. It’s actually fun. Do we say that about any phones? Hardly. It’s not really the physical design, which is a marvel of simplicity. It’s what happens when you pick it up and use it. There is nothing intimidating about it. Rather, it’s inviting.” “The cell phone, the most personal of technology devices,” Kim concludes, “has just gotten a whole lot more personal.”

“The Best Phone that Anybody Has Ever Made.”
“Steve Jobs has said, repeatedly, that this is the best iPod that Apple has ever made, and it is. It’s also the best phone that anybody has ever made,” says Lev Gossman (Time). “The user interface,” Grossman marvels, “is crammed with smart little touches — every moment of user interaction has been quietly stage-managed and orchestrated, with such overwhelming attention to detail that when the history of digital interface design is written, whoever managed this project at Apple will be hailed as a Michelangelo, and the iPhone his or her Sistine Chapel.”

“It Feels Like You Are Holding the Future”
“Apple has succeeded in crafting a unique phone that is superior [to] everything else on the market,” remarks “In one great leap Apple has rewritten the rules for mobile web browsing, invented a completely new touch-sensitive interface, and evolved the iPod. In the hand, the iPhone oozes sexiness; its wide, high-resolution screen is encircled by a halo of chrome and wrapped on its back side by cool brushed metal. When you hold it, it’s thinner and lighter than pictures would suggest: it feels like you are holding the future.” And awarded iPhone a five star rating.

“Like a Star Trek Gadget Come to Life”
Shortly after activating his new iPhone, Michael DeAgonia ( received his “ first phone call. A few moments after that, I got another. I was able to swap between calls, merge them, put them on hold, and separate them without hassle. Other phones, of course, do that as well. What’s the difference here? The multitouch screen and interface. I can confirm what early reviewers have already pointed out: it works like magic.” The iPhone, DeAgonia indicates, “ isn’t a collection of features, it’s a well-thought-out multi-function device with functions bound together by a drop-dead simple, drop-dead gorgeous interface. The sum is more than the parts.”


You gave been GXified
Ah! ...arya, back to his beloved salesmanship. Just that the normal sane users do not believe what the internet links say & like to use something in person.

Oh!, I forgot....Just look at the UI, It looks so cool:D
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