The official iPhone thread

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Some more reviews:

1. PC Magazine: Overall - Very good *,1895,2082361,00.asp

Bottom Line:
possibly the most fun we've ever had with a handheld device. It browses the Web like a champ. Yet as a voice phone and a messaging device, it's a loser. The iPhone is full of contradictions.

Fun new interface for navigating multimedia. Huge screen looks amazing. Terrific Web browser. Syncs well with PCs and Macs. YouTube function is great. Functions flow seamlessly into each other. Built-in speaker for voice calling and music.

Poor business e-mail and PIM connectivity. Bad audio quality on phone calls. Tons of "GSM buzz" on nearby speakers. Virtual keyboard hard to type on. No phone functionality with iPod speaker docks. No FM radio

2. Engadget reviews: (No rating number)
It's easy to see the device is extraordinarily simple to use for such a full-featured phone and media player. Apple makes creating the spartan, simplified UI look oh so easy -- but we know it's not, and the devil's always in the details when it comes to portables. To date no one's made a phone that does so much with so little, and despite the numerous foibles of the iPhone's gesture-based touchscreen interface, the learning curve is surprisingly low. It's totally clear that with the iPhone, Apple raised the bar not only for the cellphone, but for portable media players and multifunction convergence devices in general.

But getting things done with the iPhone isn't easy, and anyone looking for a productivity device will probably need to look on. Its browser falls pretty short of the "internet in your pocket" claims Apple's made, and even though it's still easily the most advanced mobile browser on the market, its constant crashing doesn't exactly seal the deal. The iPhone's Mail app -- from its myriad missing features to its un-integrated POP mail experience to its obsolete method of accessing your Gmail -- makes email on the iPhone a huge chore at best.

For us, the most interesting thing about the iPhone is its genesis and position in the market. Apple somehow managed to convince one of the most conservative wireless carriers in the world, AT&T (then Cingular), not only to buy into its device sight-unseen, but to readjust its whole philosophy of how a device and carrier should work together (as evidenced by the radically modernized and personalized activation process). Only a few days after launch it's easy to see June 29th as a watershed moment that crystalized the fact that consumers will pay more for a device that does more -- and treats them like a human being, not a cellphone engineer. Imagine that.

3. Cnet Reviews: *
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@ arun

Noooooo, what r u doing. Don't post the truth. You will call upon the wraith of Macboys & Salesman. Run,, escape...get out of here before they throw Apple's at u with there iCannon. :D

I wonder, not a single Europian source has reviewed iPhone


You gave been GXified
Lolz...I think Arya should read his own links too....wonder why he forgot to post these.

What Could Sink the iPhone

At $500 a pop and $60 a month for the cheapest flavor of service, plus various taxes and fees, the iPhone will cost at least $2,000 over the course of a two-year contract.

Steve Jobs and Co. proudly boosted the device's promised battery life recently, claiming it will offer 24 hours of audio playback or 8 hours of talk time. Early reviews score the iphone's battery high compared to many competing phones'. But when consumers use the device as an iPod for hours at a time, watching videos from YouTube and listening to their favorite songs, they might be surprised to find the gadget drooping when they're expecting an important call. There's a precedent for problems with Apple batteries, as many who owned an early iPod model know all too well.

AT&T has been bulking up, spending billions in recent years to speed up its EDGE data network, its call capabilities and its 3G, high-speed data system. But the iPhone won't work on AT&T's 3G network, and early reviews question whether AT&T's slower edge network will hurt the speed of the iphone's web browsing.


The iPhone: What the Critics Say

Europians & Indians think before they buy anything. Americans just buy anything without thinking.

Oh, some indian salesman also follow the same rule. They will buy anything frooty.


Evil Genius
@arya: Dude, you should know a lost cause when you see one. The iPhone is a piece of $ HAVE to see that, the way its been fubar'd by your Apple...

Give it up...


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Faraaz, how could u. You can't say that, he is a loyal, unpaid salesman of Apple still trying to get a Job in crApple as a Mac genius & he will prove to you that viral marketing is everything. Nobody requires knowledge of how computers work to sale Mac, who cares....just look at the outer shell & UI, the first impression of Mac is really good, but once someone buys it & goes home....its a different story :D

Plz....don't expect this kid to downplay crApple, he will feel bad if he does that.

Lolz...even I am an nVidiot & Winman but I bash both of them where they deserve. In case of Apple, just look at the UI it looks so cool :D


Evil Genius
"Just look at the looksso cool :D" ..., I LOL everytime I see that on these forums, either by you or iMav...

THAT should be your sig, not all that kabab & paratha stuff... :razz:


You gave been GXified
lolz...nah, actually we just mentions the good thing of iPhone all over, you know we Windows guys don't like to hide the fact, we give the "Get the facts" thing.

So, its a fact. Just look at the UI it looks so cool. Thats it...there is nothing else cool about it.

Apple should have made the hardware & outsourced the iPhone software part to Microsoft :D. Apple has no idea how to make software.


The Devil's Advocate
they only know nature ... a half eaten apple, tiger, leopard, panther ... what not .... jobs seems to have a zoo at his house


You gave been GXified
^^^^ lolz...could be. He makes the animals wear shiny cloths too.....Hey Jobs, ever wondered why those cats have furry skin. They don't need shiny cloths.

I was using Opera Mini 4 beta just now in my K750i & noticed one thing. In Mini Mode, while opening a web page all the ads are blocked or removed by Opera. In Zoomed mode, the ads are shown. I can also disable to load images if I am on a Pay-per-kb plan like BSNL in which I save money.

No such thing in iPhone crapfari 3.0. :D

Oh wait, it has no support for Flash & JAVA. My god, Apple cult will come here & say "Apple saved the world by releasing a JAVA free & Flash free browser" & they will look crapfari look good instead,


 Macboy
I don't know why...but something happens when such comments are made. I seriously don't understand why. Its not like its affecting my life in any way. I'm going to use a mac whether you'll like it or not. But still, there's this temperature that rises in my blood. And I'm talking serious here.

And the weird thing is, I honestly see the iPhone as revolutionary. I think the UI...its so cool yet functional. I think its great. I just don't understand how someone can call this phone 'crap'....I just don't.

I guess I'm far away from the state of mind Gautham Buddha was...must not be like this.


You gave been GXified
Goobi, this is a tech forum & just like Salesman won't stop preaching his holy fruit, we won't stop showing the flaws. Hey, don't u show & mock the flaws of Windows? Do we get angry, no we say the truth & facts why that flaw is there & it should be fixed.

You said Windows has a flaw, no inbuilt support for PDF. I told u why, to which u never replied cos u were not ready to understand why Windows cannot provide inbuilt support for PDF. Microsoft did not make PDF.

This is how the forum is like, u like Mac, well no one is stoping u from using it. Just don't rant about your products being the best cos it is not without its flaws.

iPhone - Phone = Best Flash based iPod out there.


 Macboy
First of all I've not mocked Windows. Windows does have its plus points like Gaming, upgrading hardware, and wider hardware support.

Anyway, getting back to the iPhone topic, tell me seriously. Isn't this a great product which doesn't deserve being called "iCrap"? Just because it has a two year contract with AT&T and does not have flash or MMS, doesn't mean it isn't one cool device. And there are so many who think the same way. And what's wrong with the phone part?

As for PDF functionality not being built into Windows, who's fault is that? The end user does not give a sh1t what goes behind the scenes. As long as it can be used. At least if they had built Silverlight into the OS with similar functionality, then maybe they had something. And its not like Apple has made PDF.

And where oh where did I rant? I was just wondering why I feel like that when negative comments are passed.


The Devil's Advocate
ah! if ur talking abt end user and whos fault is it then i as an end user with some senses would blame adobe for their arrogance and lack of thought for their customers

o! yeah i mean wats wrong with a 'multimedia' fone in 2007 which costs like around 500$ and it doesnt have vdo rec., no mms, no a2dp support ya not to mention no flash ... and it requires u to compulsorily buy an at&t pack even to listen to music ... na its a seriously cool device u know why ... coz its got a half eaten apple at its back and just look at the ui its so cool


You gave been GXified
Anyway, getting back to the iPhone topic, tell me seriously. Isn't this a great product which doesn't deserve being called "iCrap"? Just because it has a two year contract with AT&T and does not have flash or MMS, doesn't mean it isn't one cool device. And there are so many who think the same way. And what's wrong with the phone part?

Goobi, you are paying $500 for a phone, which provides less features then a motorola Q which costs $99 only :D & still you say that the "Phone" is good. Holy.....really, ignorance is bliss for macboys.

U r right, iPhone is not iCrap, it is iUseless. Just look at the UI it looks so cool. Functionality ko mar goli....gun main deta hun. As long as it looks beautiful people can always buy this. Oh & they will also buy a SE K550i or Nokia 6300 cos that will allow them to use phone function.


Aspiring Novelist
@Milind, I thought you were above this sort of childishness. Let these guys spout whatever they wish to. Just enjoy life. (Can't you see all this is just jealousy because these guys did/can/could not buy Apple products for whatever reason!)


The Devil's Advocate
who wants to buy a cell fone in 2007 tht cant rec vdos, cant send mms, cant support a2dp, cant play music w/o activation of a pack :lol: .... jealousy ... :lol: even the ipod would have been cheaper sorry not the ipod the iphone wouldv been cheaper i wouldnt gone for it .... :lol: ... who would waste his father's hard earned money ona half eaten featureless apple :lol: ... jealousy :lol:


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@ arya

Ya, i m very jealous. Why, just why can't I waste my money on this. I so wanna buy this phone, then a W960i too to do real phone work. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I want this iBrick

Oh wait, in real world I earn my own money & don't rely on my fathers money to brag about a gadget I bought. :D
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