The official iPhone thread

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 Macboy
The big secret at apple (or the not so big secret) is that Apple views itself as a software company - Jobs at D interview.

So they are in fact selling the software that runs iPhone. They just like to make their own hardware as well...


The Devil's Advocate
now thats not a secret its a joke ... if he is a software maker then he has done a pathetic job at it ...


You gave been GXified
Didn't Andy & Jobs himself said once that Apple is a hardware company & the OS is just a USP ? Jobs in D also said that "We are good at hardware, Microsoft is good at software".

Apple is making hardware like iMac, Mac Pro like a hardware OEM. Oh & other then those Workstation level softwares they make sans Aperture (its a joke compared to Lightroom)m rest of there software is a joke indeed. Mac OS X doesn't even has an uninstaller.

Oh wait, Bottom Apple is not a software company.

Goobi if u say Apple is a software company, then the one they are giving with iPhone is pathetic indeed. The weakest link in something which could have been the best phone out there. For gods sake the keyboard doesn't even tilts in landscape mode.


You gave been GXified
Where did the salesman vanished? Job chor di kya :D

Just saw this at Engadget Lolz

Ok, fine, so in addition to the exhaustive iPhone review, we thought it'd be fun to yin its yang and let everyone at Engadget who bought (or at least spent some time with) an iPhone to have their say in a line or two.

Ben: 9 / 10 - "I'd say as a mobile phone it ranks highly, but it's not a 'smartphone'."

Chris: 6 / 10 - "Great in-the-box wow factor, terrible out-of-the-box wow factor."

Conrad: 9 / 10 - "The only multi-function gadget available that manages to maintain the illusion of not being a device of compromises."

Dante: 9 / 10 - "Finally, a phone that can replace my K800i. But truth be told, I could actually do all these amazing things before."

Evan: 4.5 / 10 - "I got so frustrated by the tiny 'keys' and unusable browser that I just put it down after five minutes."

Josh (the guy that returned his): 5 / 10 - "Annoyed with the keyboard, toy-like interface, and limited ability to customize. Truth be told, if I can't install an NES emulator on it, I'm probably not interested."

Nilay: 8.5 / 10 - "Terrific except for the email app and GSM noise."

Paul: 9 / 10 - "It's pretty much all I want in a phone, and I'd give it a 10 if I could load a SNES emulator on it."

Peter: 6 / 10 - "Beautiful and easy to use, it gets a lot of things right and completely changes the game when it comes to mobile interfaces. Too bad it's really hard to get any work done with it."

Ryan: 7.5 / 10 - "The best converged phone / media device yet, but it's got problems. For instance, the email app. Until they get it together it's fun, but not very productive."

Average score: 7.4 Not bad! Seems like for the most part Engadget editors either loved it, or didn't like it at all. So what else is new?


Here is Some More interesting info guys:p

Geeks Rush to Dismantle the iPhone

This time round, Apple's iPhone lives to tell a different kind of story...

According to reports, just as there were enthusiasts waiting to get their hands on the iPhone, there were these tech freaks who made a mad dash to dismantle the device...

They all but ended up revealing the innards of the iPhone -- something that Apple had tried hard to conceal...

Going by the revelations made by these tech revellers,pride-of-place indeed goes to Samsung Electronics, identified as the supplier of the iPhone's main microprocessor as also of NAND flash memory.

Intel turns out the supplier of NOR flash memory, while Broadcom is the maker of the controller chip for the iPhone.

Texas Instruments is identified as the supplier of a power management chip, whereas Infineon Technologies turns out the maker of parts that handle cellular communications.

The power amplifier is from Skyworks Solutions, while the battery charger chip is from Linear Technology.

Meanwhile, Cambridge Silicon Radio is the maker of the chips that allow Bluetooth wireless connectivity; Marvell Technology Group the provider of the chips that allow the iPhone to connect over WiFi networks; and National Semiconductor Corp the maker of the iPhone's display chip.

Reportedly, stocks of all but a few component makers soared post the discovery.

Chances are: if the iPhone lives up to all the hype, part/component/chip makers too will partake of the Apple-induced gravy train...


Wire muncher!
they'll soon hack into the firmware and make all the features available which are restricted by apple.. heck i even see a possibility of running linux on this phone! that will be a killer device!!!! :)


You gave been GXified mean the uPhone :D

Atleast linux on this device can bring Pidgin. But I wonder if they do it, will iPhone still work with AT&T?


The Devil's Advocate
well the guys at anandtech showed the sim card slot what happens if i change the sim and redo the firmware


Wire muncher!
obviously! if they hack into it... they'll unlock it too! not limiting it to jus at&t!!! yeah.. uphone... sounds cooler than iphone!!! :) damn! apple has severely restricted such a wonderful piece of hardware.. its got so much horse power... but all the horses are tied up in the stables!!!

well, porting linux may not be easy due to multi touch... but then nothing is impossible! :)


In the zone
gx_saurav said:
Like I said, the salesman starting so many iPhone threads & then getting pwned with the truth & facts out there is also stupid. But MacBoys just won't stop...Goobi, yaar u have a look. You say this phone is not for everyone. ok fine....then who the hell is this phone for ? someone who wants to use 8 GB Storage instead of 30 GB iPod Video to watch Videos :D

He says its not for evryone.. coz this fone is for fools & most of the ppl out here r not fools... :D


You gave been GXified
iPhone like I have mentioned before is a wonderful hardware. So slim (ok it still big compared to W960i) but still it as a 620 MHz ARM CPU (why oh why didn't you also used the nVidia GeForce 6100 Mobile GPU Apple). Its just that Apple has no idea how to make a Phone OS or software for phone.

I doubt if the restrictions would be removed. iPhone is exclusive to AT&T till 2012, which means there is no need of hardware change. If they make software changes that would mean changing the whole plan & feature set which will need to be completed on a big scale. In that case what happens to those who bought it at startup.?
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Wire muncher!
dude... who's speaking of official changes! i'm sure that will not happen till the specified exclusive time and it'll be tied to at&t...
gx_saurav said:
iPhone is exclusive to AT&T since 2012
yeah officially it'll be at&t exclusive 'till' 2012.

i'm speaking abt unofficial hacking. once these phones are available in grey market and the firmware's hacked (mebbe in the form of adding new features or running linux or whatever) then enthusiast users can unlock this powerful 'crippled' device! once that happens i'm sure it'll be one heck of a device!! (of corz nothing can be done regarding the slimness....)


You gave been GXified
Wow, I had no idea that Apple loves (read: screws) there customers so much. :D

This just in.....iPhone Battery replacement will cost u just $85

One of the early criticisms of the Apple iPhone was the lack of a user-replaceable battery. Apple received some negative press about their iPod's battery life, which prompted an official iPod battery replacement program.

Apple has similarly launched an iPhone Battery Replacement program, providing battery replacement for $79 plus $6.95 shipping. The program requires a 3 business-day turn around for service. notes that Apple is also offering an iPhone rental program for $29 if your iPhone requires service (for any reason, not just battery replacement).

In short, if your battery dies after 400 charges, which comes to about once each day, due to high battery requirements of iPhone as an iPod + WiFi etc, you have to send your iPhone back to Apple, pay them $85 in total & you will get your iPhone back with new battery in 3 Apple Days with all the data wiped out.

So consumer friendly & free & cheap & blah blah......:p

Apple : Always innovative.......for finding new ways to extort money from customers.

Oh, just a note. Nokia N95 Battery on eBay is $20


$85 won't be big deal for iPhone owners. But what's that about the data being wiped out?!:shock:


Re: First review iPhone = iUseless

gx_saurav said:
Even my freekin 2 years old K750i supports features better then iPhone

I agree

gx_saurav said:
Some features? It lacks basic features such as custom ringtone, Flash in browser (even opera mobile has it) & much more. These lack of features is what makes iphone = iUseless

Oh I forgot, 2nd Salesman of Apple in the forum who is also a very big idiot who once tried to fit a Core 2 Duo in his Mac Pro, in the XEON socket :D

By the way, I should mention. Out of the 4 iPhone reviewers so far, 3 are Apple Macmen, named David Pogue, Walter S. Mossberg and Katherine Boehret, Steven Levy
in opera mobile for k750 how can we see flash ?
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You gave been GXified
^^^ In Opera mini for K750i, we cannot. But in Opera for Symbian OS, we can see flash.

I can has Flash opera :D

krazyfrog said:
$85 won't be big deal for iPhone owners. But what's that about the data being wiped out?!:shock:

I was thinking. Once you buy songs from iTunes & copy to your iPod & iPhone, you cannot get it back from iPhone to computer without using some sort of hack program.

iTunes will allow you to download your already purchased songs only once in case your HD died.

But yeah, even I wonder, whats with wiping out whole data :-x
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