buttons still glow if you touch the screen. it is a Android 4.0 feature and won't be removed.
for buttons lightening check this *play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.deskangel.kblight&hl=en
for buttons lightening check this *play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.deskangel.kblight&hl=en
also check this out[DOWNLOAD] Android 4.2 keyboard & clock | Gnufabio web space
on last kiss.... its super smooth...Agent Dash used to lag like hell earlier but now its running so smooth at 600MHz
also battery is not that bad how people are complaining![]()
Just experienced a reboot on the phone while watching a youtube clip... It was a rather short clip... 6 minutes long only... non-HQ version... but still reboot on Last Kiss ROM... So, its not perfect...
Time to move on to another phone...
The new gesture keyboard did not work...
I have been getting reboots many times on the last ROM too. Mostly using camera.
And get reboots on this one to.
It's far from perfect ..![]()
I'm unable to restrict background data on LAST KISS any app which could help me?